Boiled fish :(

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Jun 14, 2012
He does have some super helpful advice! I watched them pretty closely today so I could see what they were using and it looks like they were using all the meters he suggested. I'm really glad he gave me all the info. he did though so I didn't end up with a half done job. Yeah, I set the timer for 10 minutes when I was refilling my 75 gallon today. It was nearly full when it went off, so I sat around and watched it for 3 more minutes before I got up to turn it off. As for dry out/insurance, we're yet to hear anything from the insurance company, hopefully they'll get back to us soon, but the people did come today, tested all of the walls, floors, etc., and, from what I heard, they don't have to tear out any walls, or pull up any floors, well, maybe one wall. Apparently we caught it quick enough that it didn't really do any damage, minus a few water stains in the garage. They just cleaned the carpet for us, and they moved the 75 gallon a few inches from the wall so I could fit my refugium I've been wanting to put on there behind it. Looks like we're in the clear!!! (hope I don't jinx it!)