Brentling's 125 Startup Thread - Lots o' Pics

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AC Members
Aug 1, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Where did you get your HC? Its Looking good. I love the rena xp filter series, inexpensive and extremely reliable. Also very easy to setup and maintain. Two xp3's would be great.
A lot of folks really like the Rena XPs. I appreciate your information. I got my HC from 2 sources... Aquabotanic ( and the greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society Auction by way of Sweet Aquatics (


AC Members
Feb 15, 2007
2217s arent even that bad to maintain and shouldnt require being broken down and cleaned more than a few times a year in my experience. new ones might even come with baskets I know the smaller models do.


AC Members
Nov 2, 2008
Willows, California
I've always liked my HOT Magnum canister filter. They are good for 55g, at 250gph and it's a simple matter to fill the carbon container 1/2 way and then put aquarium gravel in to top it off for biofiltration media when running just one on a tank like mine, but if running 2 of them the mechanical filtration sleeve will work just as well for biological surface area as long as you stagger the cleanings. Since it's a Hang On Tank filter there is no mess and no siphoning issues. Just fill it full of tank water with a cup, lock the lid down, and push the button and you're up and going. They come with a water polishing media that looks like a old school air cleaner for a car and it does a GREAT job. Green water would never be an issue. They run about $90 most places. I've had mine overfiltering the BEJEEZUS out of my 20 gallon for over a year now.


AC Members
Aug 1, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Small Update... Waitin' for Santa

The tank has about 3 inches of water in it to combat the white fungus that was growing on the HC. Now I have blue green algae on the HC and reen fuzzy algae on the crypts!! I should be getting my canister filter for Christmas, then will flood the thing and plant it. My favorite LFS just went out of business Friday, so I am unsure how I am going to stock it, but I have plants and a few fish crammed into other tanks waiting for the 125 to get going.

My big dilemma right now is how to hang my lights. I posted a thread for suggestions, but only ot one or two suggestions. I am not sure how to attach steel cables to the lights themselves to make it look like:


So if anybody has any suggestions... I'll post more pics as soon as something changes. The Glosso has decided to spread and flourish. That is worth an updated pic, which I will post soon. Thanks for checking up on me!



AC Members
Nov 2, 2008
Willows, California
Post pics of your light housings (top and underside) so we can take a look at how best to hang 'em. My first thought was to drill holes for small eye bolts to go through the housing and slip a wing nut on the end inside of the housing, then just use hooks at the end of light chain to hang them on. Might not work though, not knowing what the inside of your light fixture looks like.

I sure like that fixture you used to show us the look you want though. What is that and where can I get one? :)


AC Members
Aug 1, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I like that fixture alot, too. It is a Giesemann ( and it is waaay more expensive than I will ever be able to afford, but I like the way they hang.

I have strongly considered your suggestion with the eye bolts, etc. but have done that before and do not love the results... (

The lights I have now are these:


I can indeed drill them, which I intend to do. The trick is finding hardware that will allow me to attach steel cable without an eye bolt.

Post pics of your light housings (top and underside) so we can take a look at how best to hang 'em. My first thought was to drill holes for small eye bolts to go through the housing and slip a wing nut on the end inside of the housing, then just use hooks at the end of light chain to hang them on. Might not work though, not knowing what the inside of your light fixture looks like.

I sure like that fixture you used to show us the look you want though. What is that and where can I get one? :)