bulb tip anemone

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AC Members
Nov 22, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Just because you get another clown, may not mean it'll host with the anemone.
I have a 75gal. tank with 2 percs and it took 2 1/2 months before they figured out what to do with the green tip anemone I got them; now they never leave it.
In my 100 gal. tank, I had a green carpet anemone for my perc: being captive bred, just doesn't get it, but soon as I put in a clarkii, well they easily adopt anemonies. BUT: the clarkii is a miserable bossy fish! He wouldn't let the chromis out of their caves, being VERY territorial! So I dumped them both at the other end of the 75 gal tank: the 2 percs and the clarkii fought constantly to defend their own ends of the tank, but with careful rearranging of the rocks to separate their ends, they are now getting along, but Just...
Meanwhile, my little perc in the 100gal tank is still alone and hasn't figured out what to do with the rose anemone I now have for it!
IMHO don't get another clarkii!


Armageddon outa here!
Aug 29, 2005
Holland, MI
My logic would disagree only for one simple thing. I believe that it is desireable to have mated pairs for fish like clowns. They are one of many species that will change sexes to become a pair. a male will become female and vice versus. With this in mind, if you wanted to add another clown, I would suggest another clarki. but I could be wrong...



AC Members
May 25, 2005
humm my perc and my clarkii seem to get along just fine, They both swim with the chromis also. The only issue I forsee is that the anenomes are close together for now which will make it even harder for the perc to host, I may move the bubble tip to the other end of the tank to help. But i dont expect it to host. I thought about a cinn clown. I wanted to have some diversity in the tank. I will see where the anenomes end up. I have a feeling the bubble may end up further into the LR.


AC Members
Nov 1, 2005
Feeding once a week the anemone is enough, if ever in doubt UNDERFEED! You could even take a vacation for two weeks and it should be fine.


My fish are my babies
ja the food is toooooooo much!
you should only feed eather shrimp aor silversides once a week but i feed mine less. the are photosynthetic so they make their own food... plus the clowns will feed it as well. i recomend if its small once a week but after it grows larger only once every two weeks. also its normal if it closes if u do a water change or if something is desterbing it but if it moves around a lot and closes constantally there is something wrong in eather the lighting or water quality. as 4 the clowns ALWAYS buy them together because clowns of the same species will kill eachother unless they were shiped ot breed toghter. i see it all the time at the store i work at. ive only bonded two stranger clowns once before and it was hard.


It's me
Jan 26, 2004
Visit site
mine get fed every other day and they really are doing great! I don't feed a lot and they reject the food about 1/3 of the time but, they really do need pretty constant feeding. In the wild they get small bits of food every day from the current and plancton etc pretty much all the time. That's just not avail in the home tank. Feed one small silver side,"less than 1/8 inch " or a bit of a larger one soaked in selcon every other day and dose tank with filter feeder food on the off day.