Can I add Congos to a 75g with 6 angels, 1 Albino Pleco and 2 SAEs?

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AC Members
May 19, 2008
Southern Cali
D DefJ123 I'm actually fine with the SAES, F fishorama recommended I rehome them because my tank isn't long enough- what do you think? I'm not so into Plecos either, but I don't mind keeping him and the SAEs aside from the fact that they add to the bioload, and I'd rather have more tetras. TBH I like the SAES more than the Pleco, but maybe he'll grow on me.

I think I'll keep all the angels for a bit as they don't seem to have much problem with each other at the moment. I think in the end though I will probably just keep the mated pair- big all black male, and decent sized all gold female, combined with the red phantoms, I think it's a nice clean cut variety of color. :)


AC Members
Jun 24, 2018
I would agree with Fishorama. Long torpedo fish needs a lot of room to swim and a 3' tank isnt long enough. Your choice but I wouldnt hold on to them myself. Iirc they get about 6-8" in length so 3' isnt much back and forth room.

You'll need to feed them separate as well or they will begin eating slime coats off the other fish. Some fresh veggies would be great. The pleco will love it as well.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I love my female bn, lol. Your male, like my BN, looks to not be "albino" as a L144, that pretty gold color (I'm not an albino lover). A bottom feeder & algae eater can be useful, it's easy to slightly overfeed &/or over light a tank. Think about keeping him, you've got some time to decide.

Same with the SAEs, they're smallish yet but, like I said, you'll want to rehome them before very long; they grow pretty fast & eat more fish food than algae. LFS will like them smaller too, nobody likes a big fat SAE...or 2, well they do have a "personality".

You can wait on the angels too, for right now. Are you really, really sure your preferred female is female? You don't want 2 males!!

OK, you have some better sized schooler choices than congos. I like the idea of pristellas OR red phantoms, but I've never kept either. Lemons are just ok, more subtly pretty.

IME, do NOT get serpae (red miners) or silver tips. They were both nippy to other fish & more than a bit aggressive to each of their same species at different times/tanks. Neons & cardinals are angelfood.

You'll see much better schooling/shoaling behavior with just 1 larger bunch of 1 species (say 12) than a minimum of 2 species. I know you'd like as many kinds of fish as you can, but take it from us old timers, less species & less stocking in general is MUCH easier to maintain & more interesting too. Think very hard...


AC Members
Sep 12, 2018
Avoid congo tetra. They are overly aggresive and fin eaters. Try rainbow fish for a similar effect in color.
Perhaps a couple rams as well.

Thats a beaty of a tank!!