Caution! Extremely Opinionated Posting!

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Jim's wife here..... This tank is not to be taken seriously.... it was set up purely for my grandson's enjoyment.... he's 2 and squeals and giggles when he looks at it... You are the only one who seems to have "gotten" the concept of my "tacky tank" :y220d: Thanks everyone for your comments.... some have really made me laugh!

In addition.... this tank is a work in progress.... I will be adding more as I find it. If I hold it up, and show it to Jim, and he throws up a little in his mouth, then I know it's the next addition. I also have light up toys.... the volcano and color changing crystal ball are two of them. I will try to get pics up of them with "lights out" sometime.
:hi: Mrs Jim, Maybe start a "build" thread so we can follow along, lots of of us would enjoy it, though, like my bathroom, some will be appalled :hypnotized: Just make sure stuff is fish-safe. Can the ferris wheel spin in the filter return? Dang, you got me thinking now ;)


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
hey dee... is it dee dee k?

ummm... guys... she may be an admitted fish addict or affectionately so called a fish geek but geek is not her name. ;)

fishfriend... it would annoy me and many other people on this forum to see your fish housed inadequately. when they die you'll likely see no signs of stress either cause they're goldfish. i spent the last 2 years trying to get my mom to re-home hers. the last one died last month... looking spectacular might i add. that's one reason she felt either i was wrong or she still had some time before re-homing was a necessity.

many of the folks who have expressed their discontent in this thread actually agree with much of dees sentiments and think in lines closely paralleled to her thinking. spending a little time on this forum will make that evident, surely. it's just how the first post was written that struck people wrong, imo. only thing wrong with that is she put herself in a position to be judged and people love judging other people. as it is she too seemed to be very judgmental and that made her an easy target for those that feel the need for justification of their actions/words. it's not that she was wrong or doesn't have the right to have an opinion. she has sculpted her opinion through hard work and long hours researching attempting to understand certain things. for that i believe she has earned her opinion and should stand by it. but that's my opinion.

i think she is in a position where anybody would feel somewhat backed up against a wall (cornered) at this point. i would like to see her resume her regular stance in time as she's one person that does and deserves to hold her head up high. she has worked towards a difficult understanding and has gained much knowledge in that understanding. as well she's a welcomed, contributing member of this forum and doesn't deserve further ridicule by those that want to isolate a small portion of a bigger picture. she painted it one way and has gone out of her way to explain, retract or abandon much of what was mostly a mis-understanding. i believe she has proven to be an outstanding individual in a situation where most others (including many that have displayed their malcontent) would prove to be lesser citizens.

i believe it's high time she stop taking slack and start standing her ground on certain things. it's hard not to lower your standards or conform to the masses when your back is up against the wall. i do feel, however (and hopefully) that once this thread dies she will resume with HER opinion on things (whether that has changed slightly or not) and push forward being who SHE is on this site and post accordingly. that doesn't mean to me that she should not have had her eyes opened to certain things, just that not everything should need a complete 180 or an apology. if we can't take her opinion we need not be concerned with it. if she feels she cannot post it anymore than we've done wrong by her and that's the truth, plain and simple.

sorry to say but although the opening post leaves something to be desired i think some posters have taken things too far. i think she has been taken advantage of because she is seemingly cornered at this point and some posters that normally would have kept to themselves find comfort in numbers. think of it this way... if you read the first post and nobody had posted, if you wouldn't post at that point you should keep your comments to yourself, REALLY. if you have not read through and understood the entire thread you should keep your comments to yourself, REALLY! we've seen some eye-openers. we've seen some intelligent postings and discussion and we've seen some hollow statements that otherwise could not stand alone against this woman in any setting or context. those need to go and this thread needs to die a respectable death. dee has certainly gained more of my respect (she was never really void of it in the first place) by keeping her composure and expressing passion towards her ideals and compassion towards the opposition. for that, i believe she should be viewed as a good example of how to handle criticism at the very least.

RANT/OVER, hehehe

good luck and god speed dee


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
Annoyed? You underestimate me. My team of radical militants, Called "The Holy Keepers of Sacred Fish" would storm your home and forcibly install a beautiful 200 gallon aquarium and transfer your fish into it while holding everyone in your home at gunpoint!

Seriously, if the fish are okay and "happy," then there's no reason to be concerned with overcrowding. It's abominable to me to keep creatures in distress for a hobby. Well, it actually just saddens me a little when I see it but honestly, I'm much more concerned about my own suffering and how to avoid it than the experiences of any fish. I just write a bit too vividly I think.
Is it free? If so, feel free to come over :D

cruelty to animals is cruelty to animals IMO, keeping potentially 18" fish in a 30g tank is cruel. i dont get annoyed at peoples tanks , i get upset, my friend keeps 2 comets in a 13L starter tank, she is as ignorant as you are and insists they are 'happy and healthy'. your fish will not be healthy living like this, and 2 years is too long for your fish to wait. grow up and rehome them to a decent adequate home sooner rather than later. i agree with deegeek, it is abominable that people should still be housing their fish in totally unsuitable conditions, especially when like you, they know better.
The largest goldfish is 6 1/2 inches long. My sister got two new wons a wile back ,bring the number up to six. I told her not to, but nooo, she had to get her little Bubbles and Albi. Sheesh. Also, if you know a place in the Philadelphia area that will take them and have good homes then tell me, ill give them away. They are a hassle and i don't like the 20% WCs every week either. Of course, i've looked for homes, but the only 2 people who would accept them A)Have a pond that is so bad looking i wouldn't put a dead fish in it, let alone a living one, and B) want then to feed their tutles. I would rather not have the fish eaten of dead from a toxic pond thank you very much. And yes, a 30 gal is to small for a 6 inch goldfish, but they ARE getting a pond (300+gallons actually) within 2 years. Probably within 1. They will be fine until then as long as i stay on top of WCs and keep the filters up.

I also found a Craigslist 125-50 gal tank in the area, complete with 2 filter, a light, and a stand for only $150. The only issue with that is money, which is also why the pond is not yet it. Both of those things will be within reach in 2 years max, 1 year average, and 3 months min time.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
Oh, and if anyone wants the Goldfish, feel free to PM me or post it in this thread, they just need to pay for shipping and handling and need their own tank.


Mar 31, 2008
Real Name
The Silver Slanket
They are a hassle and i don't like the 20% WCs every week either. Of course, i've looked for homes, but the only 2 people who would accept them A)Have a pond that is so bad looking i wouldn't put a dead fish in it, let alone a living one, and B) want then to feed their tutles.

:eek: :headshake2: :wall: :lipssealedsmilie:


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
I wonder how one can boldly state that their fish are "happy"...I was not aware fish displayed such an emotion in a way a human can comprehend...either that or you are a mind reader...
I can boldly state anything! I am the fish whisperer.


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
at least you didn't claim to be the guppy or superglue whisperer. you might have serious issues to deal with at that point, lol.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Thanks, it was a lot of fun, started with a very colorful :goldfish: shower curtain but also had a tasteful framed watercolor & handmade glass fish. My husband woundn't let me hang the 4 ft catfish pillow but it's over a 55g now :p:. I kept everything but it did tend to get dusty. A friend used to bring people over to see it. Wish I had pics.

Now I just have fish kitchen stuff on a wall & the angelfish bathroom rug... mostly :cool:.
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