Cichlid w/ popeye - can't hospitalize - marcyn dosages?

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*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
I have a cichlid with popeye effecting both eyes. not cloudy or red - just popped. I have marcyn and marcyn 2 available but I have lost the leaflet that went with it. I wont be able to hospitalize this guy - he's in a 55 gallon with about 7 other fish. If I remove fish from this tank and attempt reintroduce them they are killed within a few days - i dont want to risk that or the balance of the tank. He is one of the first batch of fry my cichlids ever had. Holds a special place in my heart.

Can someone give me dosage advice for the Marcyn/2 or another option?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks ya'll!

(Sorry I've been away for so long - things have been smooth with the fish - busy with life.)

PS: Sick fish has shown a great appetite, doesnt swim out and about much - sticks to his spot in a rock formation, but does come out to eat. Params look good - I skipped a water change about two weeks ago - I usually change 30% of their water once a week - I skipped a week. The b/f had ankle surgery and we've been focused on his recovery so fish suffered a bit. Fed a varried diet of veggie cubes, brine shirmp, krill and Hikari pellets. (As well as occasional treats of lettuce and broccoli stem). Fluval 405 canister filter - rock substrate - temps are stable - I have SeaChem stress coat I could add to tank as well. I usually only use that when there are minor fin/scale nips to help sooth and heal.

Said fish is a hybrid (first tank - species-only tanks after the first one, letting hybrid fish live out their lives in the tank) - he's a mumba type - dad was a demonasi if I remember correctly (Blue w/ verticle stripes). Bread with a red-top afra mumba female - came out purple with the awesome stripes. Looks cool... all other fish healthy.

Thanks for reading!


AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
So this isnt that big, is it?

Dosage of med should be on the box. I prefer Maracyn for pop-eye.

YOu can isolate the sick one inside the tank where they still can see each other.

Do you have any decent size HOB Plastic Box (similar to Superking filter Box).

Hang it inside the tank so fish can see each other but isolated for treatment, that is if treatment is needed.

Do you run fine bubbles? Any noticeable blood spots or ring? Pics?


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
Firstly, thanks for replying!!! =) I hope it isnt that big - I just wasnt sure if it'd be OK to treat the entire tank for the popeye. Seems that'll be fine. He's holding his own and keeping the neighbors out of his turf so I dont think I need to seperate him atm... I'm also not sure if popeye is contagious? What the heck causes it? No redness, or rings. Not sure what you would consider "fine" bubbles - I do have an aerator and stone running. I'll try to get pics when I feed them tonight. He's not coming out of his cave but only to feed.

Thanks again!


AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
ive experienced popeyes or similar symptoms when too much fine bubbles/mist were injected thru stones.

You can always cut the air pump provided you have great water movement from filters.

If not, it could be contagious infection. but let's not jump to conclusion yet?

If fish is suffering from diseases, other tankmates will pick that up and gang up on weakling before we notice any visible symptoms. Survival of the Fittest as they say.

How about shutting off the pump first for few days/week if feasible and see where that lead us to!


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
Sounds like a plan. His cave is the closest piece of claimed tank to the airstone. Would make sense... Might be time for a new stone - this one has been in the tank for awhile now. Thanks for the info! =) I'll keep you posted as things move along.


AC Members
May 31, 2010
Its ok but not normally feasible to dose larger tanks for a single fish. I spent 25 dollars on dosing my one tank for one four dollar fish assuming there may be contamination and spread in the water as well. Most will tell you to put the fish in a sick tank, but my case did fine. I had a fish with tail rot and the other fish were biting at the infection here and there. They don't bite the fish anymore and he is the most aggressive in the tank now out for revenge.


AC Members
Jul 9, 2008
Sounds like a plan. His cave is the closest piece of claimed tank to the airstone. Would make sense... Might be time for a new stone - this one has been in the tank for awhile now. Thanks for the info! =) I'll keep you posted as things move along.

Any improvement??

Shouldve shown some changes, either bad or good???

Hopefully, the latter!!!