Commuter Tang.

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AC Members
Apr 9, 2005
I have siphon jumps between a few tanks. I just took one out to clean it. They are rather a chore to clean. Chore enough that I do them about once every half decade. This time I went berserk and spent an hour cleaning one. When it was done you could actually see thru it!! How novel!!

I told my better half that now I could actually take a good shot of our yellow tang before the algae comes back.

A while later it dawned on me that I'd better actually make sure the camera was set up so if a chance came I wouldn't be futzing with the camera and miss it.

No sooner did I have the camera dialed in and I was setting it down then Yellow Tang saw me. Putting two and two together he departed the far right tank, shot straight thru the center tank, and up into the jump. He went to the top and with fancy moves turned around looked at me, got 20 shots taken of him and then, when I lowered the camera - photo shoot over - promptly returned to the far right tank.

He's a real ham.

He also likes to take in the elevated view.



AC Members
Apr 9, 2005
It's a passage from one tank to another. A siphon...

Um.. Take a small piece of clear hose. Lay it in a pan of water. Once it's filled with water stand it up keeping both ends in the water. It stays full of water because to empty it, it would have to have air admitted to it.

I made large ones to carry huge flow and let the fish cross from tank to tank.