cpd question

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AC Members
Jan 7, 2007
I lost my favorite celestial pearl danio recently, and can't figure out why. The rest of the tank is healthy (mixture of cpds and ember tetras), and the water parameters are good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, ~5 nitrates). No signs of disease or external trauma to the fish. He had been apparently robust until one morning I found him at the bottom of the tank.

The only thing I noticed was that about 2 weeks before he died, he developed a white stripe along the top of his back, which ran the full length of his body on either side of his dorsal fin. Definitely not fungus or ich or anything. Maybe a sign of aging? He was a mature cpd, not sure of his age, but beautifully colored and large for a cpd. I had him about 5-6 mos, and not sure how old he was when I got him, although he was pretty large then.

Anybody have a similar experience with the white stripe?