*cries* I lost a loach. :(

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AC Members
Jul 30, 2007
East Coast, USA
One of my Angelicus Loaches was floating when I got home from work today. :(

Darn it all. I have only ever seen them at the local stores once, and I bought both of the ones they had.

I'm going to have to wait to get another until after we move though, since I don't want to find a new one and stress it out twice in a small timeframe. We're moving next weekend, so I'll have to start hunting after we're settled in.

Darn darn darn.

Those are probably my faves too. So active and fun.


AC Members
Jul 30, 2007
East Coast, USA
No idea. Did a water change this past weekend, nothing unusual. I did just add some java moss to that tank, but can't imagine that would kill a loach?

Everyone else in the tank seems to be fine.

I did have a few tetras disappear over the last month though, but I have never had a whole lot of luck with tetras, so I didn't think that was overly unusual.

The other loaches are fine, as are the cories, otto, etc. And the one I found floating was far too chewed up (I guess the others thought they'd help??? *gags*) to even tell what might have happened. I wasn't positive at first if it was an Angelicus or a Yoyo. Had to wait and see who was still swimming to figure out which one I lost.

Anyway, hopefully the rest will be OK.

I need to get a new API kit though. The one I've got doesn't measure nitrates. It never has worked properly. All other levels are fine, but I'm not entirely positive about nitrates since this kit ALWAYS shows 0, no matter what. Stupid thing.