DIY Dinatrator Stories?

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AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
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planted tanks, algae scrubbers etc etc etc.. are used to lower nitrates in many aquariums..including freshwater systems.. but many folks are looking for a way to reduce maintenance...
need less to say.. it isn't about nitrates but more about total dissolved solids(TDS) which are removed with water changes...


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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I only have two tanks these days and compared to the fish room I once had, maintaining these is my Sunday Zen and I love it. My goal is a philosophical one. I'd like to approximate nature as accurately as possible. I know there is no real way to change 100% of the water every few seconds like in a real river but I'd like to have habitats for all the naturally occurring contributors to a healthy and complete nitrogen cycle.

I currently have approximately 2 cubic yards of biomedia (clay aquaponics pellets) filling 22' of house gutter with many terrestrial plants as well as a heavily planted tank. I have a sand substrate with a rout of snails mixing it up to act as a fludized sandbed filter. A bunch of blackworms help with some of the detritus and I scoop out everything that floats to the top of the water (though, I guess according to my own logic, I should want to find someone to eat that).

My water here is hard and so buffered that the pH has not moved from 6.8 since day one. I have no measurable ammonia or nitrite. If I can naturally turn my last bit if nitrate into nitrogen I will be very, very happy. 5-10 gallons per week are consumed by the plants and evaporation.

I should mention that this is a 135g with a couple Oscars in it along with an old pleco and two pictus cats. 600gph turnover with an open top.

How to TDS's most directly affect the situation at hand? Do you have a suggested article? I'll see what I can find out tomorrow either way.

I still change the water. If it is possible to have a perfectly balanced system I'd like to find the way. If it is not, I'll find the closest way I can.

I have seen you post everywhere about everything. If you have any suggestions directly or indirectly related to this I'd be very eager to read them.

Thank you,