Dogface Puffer caught in powerhead

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AC Members
Feb 22, 2006
I have a puff that got sucked up while I was at work on 2-9-06 by one of my powerheads. I had the cone and strainer adaptor on it but it was just too strong for hiim when he was puffed up. There is alot of current in my 220 gallon to keep from having dead spots. He hasn't eaten since the accident. His teeth are not over grown, and I do vary his diet daily from, shrim,squid,krill,ghostshrimp,mussels, and snails. I have been treating him with melafix and pimafix also putting Zoe in water hoping he is getting some nutrients form it. His skin has went back to its normal shape now, but his skin where he was sucked up is pealing off and looks like it is growing new light pink skin under neath the white dead skin. There are little copepods all over him on the wound. I don't know if this is helping or hurting him by being on him. I just started treating him for Ick that he broke out with yesterday. My local fish stores saltwater guys said to treat him with coppermine. I am doing so and seems to be killing the ick. But I'm only giving him half dose at a time since he is scaleless and have turned up the water and put an air stone on a powerhead to increase oxygen. Has anyone had this happen to a fish. He is also going to the bathroom and it is a white brittle looking substance that falls apart once it leaves his body. It isn't the sand that is in the tank. For a fish that hasn't eaten since 2-8-06 he is still pretty fat and not sunken in looking. Yesterday he swam around quite a bit until he got in the area where the powerheads are at especially where there is bubbles, he acted like the water flow or bubbles hurt his stomach he kinda flinched then swam back to the top of his rock cave where he hung out all night. I would appreciate any advice or infor on this situation. Puffer owners please make sure you have a foam block or something keeping your puffer away from your powerheads. I learned the hard way. My tank is SG at 1.023 temp 82, everything else is at 0. ???


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
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How long have you had him? A healthy fish should always be able to escape a powerhead, so I suspect that the fish was weakened from the ich, allowing this to happen. Most likely he inflated after getting stuck--inflating is very stressful on them, and add this stress to the damage done by the ich and powerhead, and you have a serious situation. I would remove the fish to a hospital setup ASAP, and focus on getting him to eat--live snails, mussels, etc. Puffers won't get anything from the Zoe--they don't absorb nutrients from the water.


AC Members
Feb 22, 2006
I have had him for about 5 weeks now, he was in a QT for about 3 weeks he didn't show any signs of ick so I placed him in my 220 where he got sucked up by the powerhead, before that happened he was eating like a pig, anything I gave him especially my smaller turbo snails that he decided to snack on. The powerhead is a aquaclear 802 when I placed the cone on the intake area it made it just to much of a suction. I have seen him inflate only once before and he can't swim very well at all when he is puffed up he just looks like a balloon floating in the water as soon as i came into the room he deflated and begged for food. So I assume he was very healthy prior to the accident. He is only about 5 inches long. I will try to take some pictures of him tonight if i can get my digital cammera to work. He is looking better where the damaged skin fell off. I just wish I could get my little guy to eat. Believe me I have tried eveything, even putting zoe and garlic on his food and he won't even look at it he just swims away if the clear stick i have the food on gets near him so i place it near where he is at on a rock or on the sand and he ignores it.


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
Real Name
If the infection occured after moving him, either something stressed him in the move, or the main tank was infected (happens--often ich goes undetected in fish not as prone to it as puffers).


AC Members
Feb 22, 2006
morning all, I came home last night and my poor little puff had one of his side fins stuck into his gill opening, he was still swimming around in his cave, but I have never heard or seen a puffer do this. Has anyone else. Later on last night he got it back out I saw a bubble rise out from under his cave I'm not sure if it came out of his gill or if it was from him knocking a bubble out from under the rock that makes the top of his cave. I'm slowly lowering his SG I have gotten it down to 1.018 right now I'm hoping I will be able to get it down to 1.009 by sunday. His skin is looking much better getting some skin color back. I just wish he would eat something. Could the ick be keeping him from eating? I hope he don't have any internal damage from being stuck to the power head. I know when I'm sick I don't feel like eating. I hope it is the same with this little guy.


AC Members
Feb 22, 2006
:dance: GREAT NEWS!! My little dogface puffer started eating again saturday and he ate some on sunday. I soaked his food in Zoe and garlic. His ick looks like it is doing much better as well, and so are his battle wounds from the power head. I think he is going to have a scar from this whole nightmare, I might have to change his name from Mr.puff to scarface or scrappy since he is such a little trooper. He went 2 weeks and two days without food. My deepest heartfelt thanks to everyone who responded to this topic so that he could get help. You all are the best. :clap:
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