Dying fish, help please

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AC Members
Nov 14, 2006
Hi everyone i have a little bro who has a 10 gallon tank with 4 mollies 4 danios 2 cherry barbs 2 rainbow sharks (waiting to be moved when they grow up) and he had 3 glowlight tetras. after he bought his 3 mollies and put them in the tank it got ick so we were flushing ick guard in there and it just seems to be going away but disaster has struck. the danios are not schooling together and are hanging near the bottom. the two cherry barbs now also hang near the bottom the rainbow sharks are kinda like hanging vertical in the grasses and get this two of the glowlight we've found the last two nights (one and then another) have been stuck to the filter like almost dead but just barely living with their stomachs completly white:confused: isn't that wierd? i'm not sure what is happaning but the water was fine a few days ago not to sure about the PH or anything cause i can't find my test kit but the temp is around 78-80 if that helps

please help me


AC Members
Nov 14, 2006
no one can help me at all?
just what i should do?
anways now i changed about 30% of the water and refilled it treated it and then put in some more ick medicine
the female barb died along with 2 mollies
anyone who has any advice at all please help me
the kid thinks that he dosen't want too continue having aquariums any more and i don't want things to turn out that way, please help


Go fish yourself.
Sorry to say this, but your brother's tank is so unbelievable overstocked I don't know how those fish will survive another day. Those fish are WAY too big and there are WAY too many in there. Just the 4 mollies alone would have been too much for a 10g tank. They're all dying.

The only thing you can do is get a HUGE tank to put them in, but they may not survive. I suggest he brings them to a fish store that can take care of them.


AC Members
Aug 21, 2006
How long has this tank been running? For starters, it is WAY overstocked. Unless your doing weekly water changes.....and I doubt you are....you'll need to get rid of some fish....but it sounds as if mother nature is doing it for you.

Find your test kit...and report back.

And I would stop adding meds.....salt works better.


AC Members
Nov 14, 2006
it's been running for almost 6 months and i haven't really been watching him pick out his fish since he said he could do it on his own so i've only been checking up on it every now and then and it seemed to be doing okay but i didn't know he had those two small sharks and small CAE till last night cause they were all hiding under this big castle he has. i don't want to move them by chance they have a disease

how will salt help
i know it's good for the livebearers but is it good for the rest?

excuse me, i have to go get rid of some CAEs:devil:


Go fish yourself.
Those fish will not survive in that tank. Your only option is to get a much bigger tank or give them away to a pet store. As I mentioned earlier, the 4 mollies alone are too much.

As for the salt, you don't even know exactly what your fish's problem is. It could be a lot of different things. I wouldn't add any salt or meds until I knew exactly what the problem was and I had a bigger tank to work with.

There is no way of sustaining the tank the way it is.


Go fish yourself.
I'd say your brother needs a 45g tank minimum just for what's in there. And it would have to be cycled before you could put anything in there, which takes time. I suggest you tell your brother to get rid of everything but either the danios or the mollies before everything dies.

Good luck.


AC Members
Nov 10, 2005
I had that problem in my 30 gal with 2 fantailed goldfish in it. And a pleco..
And I used my testkit and found that my nitrites were sky high. Everything else tested fine. So I bought some meds to control nitrites and now my goldfish are swimming around happily not staying on the bottom any more. I dont know if its the same problem, but you really should test the water