Excited 10 G QT finally cycled need ideas on stocking options for 36 gallon bow tank

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AC Members
Jan 20, 2007
Ok 10 gallon QT is finally cycled already know that I am going to be increasing the school numbers on the existing fish I have in the 36 gallon one school at a time slowly. In addition to increasing the school numbers of my cherry barbs, bleeding heart tetra and melanistius cory I am also adding the glo danios I used to cycle my QT with since they did so well through the cycling process and continue to thrive amazing strong fish they are and have shown no signs of illness through the cycling process. I made sure to do atleast 25% wc's daily and the levels of ammonia and nitrite never rose above 0.25-0.5. Now both are at 0 and nitrate is at 5-10

In the past I have had bolivian rams, serpae tetras, platies, harlequin rasboras, dwarf gouramies and other types of gouramies, neons and some others types of fish I can't remember in the tank. I do want peaceful community fish thinking about black skirt tetras as well. I want fish with brilliant color seems like most of the ones with striking color are the aggressive type. I need some ideas on the fish that might stand out the most. Was thinking about Odessa barbs but read that you need quite a few of them for them to be happy and they grow 2-3 inches. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks


AC Members
Jan 20, 2007
Right now in my 36g I have 4 cherry barbs 1 bleeding heart tetra & 1 melanistus cory. I want to have 6 fish atleast of each kind. 3 out of 4 glo danios made it through the cycle of the QT so I will get atleast 3 more of them. That would give me 24 fish. If I decide to go with another type of fish I was debating on another type of small tetra possibly black skirt or maybe add brilliant rasboras. That would give me 30 fish total. Too much?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Yeah, I think more of the species you already have would be better. Cherry barbs aren't really schoolers, so if you have 2 pair or 1 male & 3 females, call it good.

The cory & tetra really need at least 5 or 6 others to act "normal". Because the danios tend to swim mostly higher in the tank, get them to 5 or 6 & be done with stocking. No more different species. Let them grow up & see if you truly have room for more of the same fish species you have.Your water parameters & maintenance schedule will help you decide.


AC Members
Jan 20, 2007
Ok so I went to my local Petland discounts store yesterday and was told that they are closing all their stores probably by the end of April. I am devastated as this one the main store I have always gotten my fish from. They told me they will be doing small orders for fish so am hoping that by April I will have atleast 3 schools of fish QT'd and in my main tank before they close. I am starting out with cories. They had pandas and looks like a juli they didn't have the melanistus cories so am hoping my female that is in my main tank will bond with the others even though they are not the same species as she is. Next I will go with bleeding heart tetras, cherry barbs after that and then add more danios and see how they do. They will all go one school at a time into QT for a month and then if all is good into my main tank. So far I added the 3 glo danios to the main tank yesterday they have already been QT'd for a while now without issue and they are doing great as well as the cories in my Qt. My biggest dilemma now is where do I go for aquarium fish once Petland closes there are two stores that are private not chains where I live and ofcourse petco but have heard that petco runs one tank line for all their tanks. Is this true because of one tank has sick fish won't the others get infected too??
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