Finally got to see my loaches

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Dec 28, 2002
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Last night, my 3 loaches decided to venture out and actually let me get alook at them. I haven't seen them in about 2 weeks. The 2 I've had for a year got freaked out when all their tankmates suddenly passed away 2 weeks ago. They've been holed up in their loach hangout and would only come out at night, then would go and hide if I put the outside, (not tank ) lights on. I almost forgot how big one of them is. Bobo is about as thick as my thumb!!He's obviously the dominant one as he stays dark all the time. The smaller one Whitey stays greyed MOST of the time. I added another smaller loach named spot..he's got a black spot on his tail and he's also a dominant loach( stays dark). Funny thing is, Spot and Bobo now hang out together and they kicked whitey out of the loach hangout. Don't worry, whitey has his own cool hangout on the other side of the tank. I figured they would just all kinda hang out together.. :-( Everyone else seems to be getting along well. Should I worry about the outcast Whitey??
My rainbow shark is such a goofball. He doesn't mind people at all.
I don't think he EVER goes to sleep either ;-).. He's quickly becoming my favorite fish in the tank. At least he doesn't hide and he's always active....I hope my loaches "loosen up" and go back to being active and visible in the daylight.. It stinks having 3 fish that I hardly ever see...

Jimmy G