Fish Disappeared?

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AC Members
Jul 22, 2005
I have a 10g tank with a divider in it. On one side I have 3 female guppies with a couple java ferns a sponge filter and a heater. On the other I HAD a VeilTale male betta. I just checked my tanks ans he is gone, disappeared nowhere to be found. I checked the tanks next to it to see if he jumped over searched his tank thoroughly three times and checked all around it on the floor. I even checked in the light strip to see if he jumped and got stuck there. Then I checked my python to see if he got sucked in there during a water change yesterday and nothing. The end opening of the python is to small for him to fit through so he couldnt have gone down the drain. He just sort of disappeared, nowhere to be found. Im about to go check around even more to see if he jumped out. I asked everyone in the house if he died and they scooped him or even moved him for some reason and nobody has even touched the tank. I checked all my other tanks also just in case I had a lapse of memory and moved him myself. Any ideas?


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
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Any other filtration on the system? Is the tank covered? Bettas are class A jumpers, so an uncovered tank most often means a missing fish, and once out of the tank ,they can wriggle and flop surprisingly far.


AC Members
Jul 22, 2005
No no cover just a light strip. Im gonna expand my search area. especially since the tank is on a stand right next to ym bed. I dont want to be sleepin with a dead fish tonight.


AC Members
Jul 22, 2005
well I just got done searching the WHOLE room. And I found him about 10 feet away from the tank all dried up. I dont know how he made it 10 feet away, pretty amazing.


AC Members
Jul 22, 2005
I dot know hwo he did it! especially since my room isnt exactly the cleanest and there definetly was not a clear path form the tank to the spot I found him. I checked him for teeth marks to see if the cat picked him up then dropped him there but nothing was present!

Neo Sithlord

Nerf Herder
Mar 20, 2004
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
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Well believe it or not Bettas CAN breath out of water LOL. He could have survived a long time after he jumped. That's why he got so far. Most likely died of dehydration. I have to agree you need to keep a lid of smoe kind over a betta tank.
As far as the how and why of it if you're wondering. Betta's are anabantids they have an organ like an under evolved lung called a labrinth organ. If you watch a betta you can see that they come up for a breath ever now and then. As to why they evolved that way. In the wild betta's are usaully found in stagnant water. With no movement the warters O2 levels are low so in order to survive they found anouther way to breath. They get the best of both worlds they have gills and can breath like any other fish or like us actually take a gulp of air. Cool fish that's why I love them.
-Neo SIthlord