I've compiled a list that of fish that should not be kept by beginners and the reasons why, so here goes:
Cleaner Wrasses-Based on stomach contents, cleaner wrasses eat larger parasites such as copepods and isopods. There's no evidence that they eat cryptocaryon, though. If anything, this is yet another good reason not to have them. They don't eat ich, so don't buy them expecting to control it. They also play a huge part in the oceans ecosystem. Thanks mogurnda!
Moorish Idols- Very poor success rate and is best left to the experienced people or in the Ocean. If you want a look a like go for the poor Man's Moorish (Bannerfish)
Parrotfish- Eat foods not available to hobbyists (available but they will only eat acropora corals which adds up very quickly) plus very active swimmers and need huge tanks (7ft long plus)
Sharks and Remoras- Remoras occur on Sharks in the wild and Sharks need huge tanks of 200g plus so definitely not for the beginner.
Orange Spot Filefish-only eat corals and even once feeding most die.
Panther Grouper- look adorable as babies but soon grow to a 2 foot unattractive monster. (their heads stop growing and their bodie keep growing)
Sweetlips and Batfish- grow to 2 feet and the juvies are very difficult to keep alive.
Boston Beans-Long Horn Cowfish- grow from that cute tiny fish to well over 2 feet. They are also known for exuding a toxin that can wipe out tanks if they are stressed or dying. Best left with those with big tanks.
My favorite: The Ribbon Eels- although gorgeous I have rescued 3 from near starvation and death. They are NOT easy by any stretch of the mind so PLEASE do not try these.
Seahorses and Pipefish- Very very difficult to keep, need perfect water quality, feedings at least 3 times a day and practically no tankmates.
Mandarin Dragonettes (Mandarin Gobies)- very hard to sustain for long by those not experts. Need lots and lots of copepods and the like. Plus need an established tank of a year or more.
Powder Blue Tangs, Achilles Tangs, Clown Tangs- very hard to take care of. Huge ich magnets and some just never adjust. All are extremely aggressive if they do survive and need minimum of 125g.
And finally the Large Triggers: Queens, Blue lines, Titans, Starrys and the small but nasty Undulate- These guys grow to huge sizes (except for the Undulate) and have extremely nasty temperments to go with. They all need a minimum of 200 gallons and 99 percent of the time need to be kept by themselves. Same with the undulates.
Feel free to add more but this is a general list and does not include all. Research should always be done before buying a fish. (Orion-sticky please
Cleaner Wrasses-Based on stomach contents, cleaner wrasses eat larger parasites such as copepods and isopods. There's no evidence that they eat cryptocaryon, though. If anything, this is yet another good reason not to have them. They don't eat ich, so don't buy them expecting to control it. They also play a huge part in the oceans ecosystem. Thanks mogurnda!
Moorish Idols- Very poor success rate and is best left to the experienced people or in the Ocean. If you want a look a like go for the poor Man's Moorish (Bannerfish)
Parrotfish- Eat foods not available to hobbyists (available but they will only eat acropora corals which adds up very quickly) plus very active swimmers and need huge tanks (7ft long plus)
Sharks and Remoras- Remoras occur on Sharks in the wild and Sharks need huge tanks of 200g plus so definitely not for the beginner.
Orange Spot Filefish-only eat corals and even once feeding most die.
Panther Grouper- look adorable as babies but soon grow to a 2 foot unattractive monster. (their heads stop growing and their bodie keep growing)
Sweetlips and Batfish- grow to 2 feet and the juvies are very difficult to keep alive.
Boston Beans-Long Horn Cowfish- grow from that cute tiny fish to well over 2 feet. They are also known for exuding a toxin that can wipe out tanks if they are stressed or dying. Best left with those with big tanks.
My favorite: The Ribbon Eels- although gorgeous I have rescued 3 from near starvation and death. They are NOT easy by any stretch of the mind so PLEASE do not try these.
Seahorses and Pipefish- Very very difficult to keep, need perfect water quality, feedings at least 3 times a day and practically no tankmates.
Mandarin Dragonettes (Mandarin Gobies)- very hard to sustain for long by those not experts. Need lots and lots of copepods and the like. Plus need an established tank of a year or more.
Powder Blue Tangs, Achilles Tangs, Clown Tangs- very hard to take care of. Huge ich magnets and some just never adjust. All are extremely aggressive if they do survive and need minimum of 125g.
And finally the Large Triggers: Queens, Blue lines, Titans, Starrys and the small but nasty Undulate- These guys grow to huge sizes (except for the Undulate) and have extremely nasty temperments to go with. They all need a minimum of 200 gallons and 99 percent of the time need to be kept by themselves. Same with the undulates.
Feel free to add more but this is a general list and does not include all. Research should always be done before buying a fish. (Orion-sticky please
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