I do not own nor use a smart phone nor any tablet computing devices. When I got shopping I have issues acceptung the CC charge on the screen. I use my index finer, touh the screen and nothing happens, i can repeate this a few times and maybe or maybe not does it do anything. I recent learned that if i use my thumb to accept it works better. This is something not new to me. Ever since the first touch machines on ATMs came out I have had this problem.
I few minutes ago for some reason I was on Google search and decided to ask how touch screens worked. the I asked "why do some people have problems with touch screens"? And I finally learned why.
I have had skin issues since the day I was born. I still have to use cortisone cream now and then to combat it. I have somewhat dry skin. Since i began with fish 20+ years ago my hand and arms are in water in thans for many hours at least 4 days a week.
Here is what I discovered: https://melbournehand.com.au/touchscreen-difficulties-do-you-have-zombie-finger/
It is not just touch screens that are a problem, I also tend to drop things a lot. Dry skin means you little or no natural oil on your fingers. This helps to prevent things from sliding out of your grasp.
I finally understand that fish keeping is exacerbating my issues with touch screens. Since the use of touch screens did not really blossom until after I was well into a case of Multiple tank Syndrome, I never had a chance.
Fortunately, I am a privacy nut and I have never wanted a smart phone. I also dislike small screens, so a tablet was never in the cards either.
At least I finally understand why touch screens and I never got along and likely never will. But this means the last thing I want is a car which has a lot of its functions controlled by a touch screen. My brother and I own the same model Subaru but two model years apart. Mine has no screen and his does. I have a problem tuning his radio on the screen and do not use the video to parallel park. The screen confuses me and I have been parking for almost 58 years without one. I am hoping my 2013 Subaru with 62k miles on it will last me until I am too old to keep driving. Moreover, I cannot see myself getting into a self driving car.
Good morning passengers. Welcome aboard Con-West flight 101 from Mumbai to New York. This is a fully automatic flight with no pilots. This is your autopilot speaking.
Today we will be flying at an altitude of 27,000 feet and cruising at an average speed of 520 mph. All of the systems and functions of this plane will be managed by the autopilot. Take-off, landing and flight will be completely controlled by an advanced, triple backed up series of computers. Do not be worried about anything as this system has been thoroughly tested and nothing can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong.........
I few minutes ago for some reason I was on Google search and decided to ask how touch screens worked. the I asked "why do some people have problems with touch screens"? And I finally learned why.
I have had skin issues since the day I was born. I still have to use cortisone cream now and then to combat it. I have somewhat dry skin. Since i began with fish 20+ years ago my hand and arms are in water in thans for many hours at least 4 days a week.
Here is what I discovered: https://melbournehand.com.au/touchscreen-difficulties-do-you-have-zombie-finger/
My hands are very very dry all the time and I use Neutrogena Hand Cream. Despite this my hands are still dry and sometimes it gets so bad a finger will get a crack.What is Zombie Finger?
This is the term that is given when people are not able to get their touchscreen to respond to their fingertip contact.
To understand why this might be the case, we need to understand a little bit about how touchscreens work (which is quite amazing). Touchscreens produce a small electrical field. When touched by a finger, or similar item that can absorb the electrical charge, it is able to measure the disturbance in the electrical field, and use the information to initiate a command.
Why is it that some people cannot use a touchscreen?
If your fingers have significant callous or you have very dry skin, it can impede electrical conductivity. This prevents the flow of electricity. So you can end up mashing away on the phone or tablet in vain with your ‘Zombie Finger’.
It is not just touch screens that are a problem, I also tend to drop things a lot. Dry skin means you little or no natural oil on your fingers. This helps to prevent things from sliding out of your grasp.
I finally understand that fish keeping is exacerbating my issues with touch screens. Since the use of touch screens did not really blossom until after I was well into a case of Multiple tank Syndrome, I never had a chance.
Fortunately, I am a privacy nut and I have never wanted a smart phone. I also dislike small screens, so a tablet was never in the cards either.
At least I finally understand why touch screens and I never got along and likely never will. But this means the last thing I want is a car which has a lot of its functions controlled by a touch screen. My brother and I own the same model Subaru but two model years apart. Mine has no screen and his does. I have a problem tuning his radio on the screen and do not use the video to parallel park. The screen confuses me and I have been parking for almost 58 years without one. I am hoping my 2013 Subaru with 62k miles on it will last me until I am too old to keep driving. Moreover, I cannot see myself getting into a self driving car.
Good morning passengers. Welcome aboard Con-West flight 101 from Mumbai to New York. This is a fully automatic flight with no pilots. This is your autopilot speaking.
Today we will be flying at an altitude of 27,000 feet and cruising at an average speed of 520 mph. All of the systems and functions of this plane will be managed by the autopilot. Take-off, landing and flight will be completely controlled by an advanced, triple backed up series of computers. Do not be worried about anything as this system has been thoroughly tested and nothing can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong.........