fluorescent freshwater

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AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
Hello everyone. I have an odd question about a diy project I'm currently working on for my 10gal. The tank is currently fishless so I figured I could try an idea I had to make a maple bark cave for the ghost shrimp I want to add to it. I had this awesome piece of wood with bark that I thought I would hollow out to add to my tank. I boiled it yesterday for the majority of the day, changing the water as it became really dark. Around the end of the day it stayed sunk while in the water. I was ecstatic thinking....SUCCESS! Then the bark separated from the wood itself, still perfectly formed. I was even more excited since I didn't want to add that much wood to the tank. I took it out after a bit more boiling, ran it in cool water and placed it in the tank. It was in the tank for maybe 4 or 5 hours and I went to turn the light off before bed (light has 3 light settings, daylight, moonlight and blacklight- glowfish light led), I noticed when the light got to the blacklight setting my water that was perfectly clear (even in blacklight) is now fluorescing green. I took my mini flashlight which has a blacklight setting on it and shined it in the pot of water on the stove containing the other pieces I am treating and it fluoresced the same way the tank water is but a stronger color. What I'm curious about is will this hurt my fish or shrimp I plan to add to the tank or is this normal when adding non-plastic material like real wood? I like to add live plants to my tanks when I can and have never experienced this change before. I wanted to try shrimp as a new thing and wanted to give them something to "chew on" so to speak but don't want to do anything to kill them instantly. Boiling in regular tap water no chemicals. Thoughts?





AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Have you tested the tank's water parameters? I ask because I did cork bark with lichens once. It looked cool but the lichens raised the ammonia level quite a lot. I asked around & ended up scrubbing off the lichens.

Yours could just be tannins still leaching out that looks strange in blacklight. In other words, I don't know.


AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
I'm slightly embarrassed to say it's been years since I owned anything to test my water with. I have lived in the same area since I started keeping tanks (25+ years) so it's become second nature on how to treat the tap water. I have read in a few different places that tannins will darken the water which it did a little, as with driftwood but I've found no mention of it fluorescing. I plan on getting a test kit this weekend so we can all find out if it's safe. I will take a pic of it once it gets dark enough, it is definitely a sight. I thank you for being honest! I'm truly curious about this occurrence and if it will be harmful to the critters. It's a bit amusing that I spent years trying to find stuff that glows for a "Haunted House" and stumble on this...if only I had known. Lol


AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
This is a crappy pic but gives a basic idea of what I'm talking about. (only have the camera on my laptop to work with) The room was pitch black.



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
No need for embarrassment. Well, I'm lamer than you can imagine. Can you explain what we see in your pic? I feel a bit trapped in a Dr Who episode...back in the old days.

You can probably take a water sample to a local shop for testing. Don't take OK or fine, we want actual numbers or at least a range of possible numbers.

Are you in the US? Many of us are but not all, I think we can help with more info.


AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
That is what the water looks like in the dark with the glofish light on blacklight setting. In regular light it looks clear. If my phone camera worked I could get a better pic. The water in the tank itself glows green. I am actually in Illinois and some of my fishies come from the Fox river, so yes to the US :) The water in the pan I used to boil the 'bark cave' (the first 3 pics in the thread, it's in my hand) was way more vibrant than the tank so I'm thinking it has something to do with the tannins from the bark. I will be getting a test kit this weekend so I will be able to get numbers. When I discovered this anomaly, I thought of a witchs' brew, but the Dr Who reference definitely fits. 😁 There is more stuff going into this science experiment that I can't get til Fri, so hopefully between now and then I can figure out how to get some better pics for you all. The tank was deep cleaned and reset two weeks ago and has no life forms except some plants from my beta tank ( the plant split 9 times so I had some extra lol) and until last night (when I added the bark cave) all was normal. Filter and aerator have been running. I wouldn't think the tree it came from would harm fish since these constantly fall in our rivers. It's from a common maple tree, anything that was clinging to the bark came off in the first 3 baths it got. The bath (boiling) process started at 1pm and lasted until 8pm, water got refreshed when it became too dark probably once an hour. Sorry if the info is all over the place but I'm trying to get it down as I think to add it. And THANK YOU for being patient with me!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
It's almost my bedtime...Can I think about what you've said & get back to you tomorrow or so? Of course there are others here that will help you too. We're not all available all the time, give us some time...yours is not an emergency situation but we will try to help...we'll all be patient...

Glad you got the Dr Who reference, many may not have :)


AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
Absolutely! I have very much enjoyed talking with you tonight, and thank you. And concerning the reference, I LOVE the blank stares when people just don't get it. I don't remember when I started noticing but yeah, it's gotten ridiculous! Now I just can't help but laugh. Talk to you soon, have a great night.


AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
So this is the tank that had the fluorescent water. Still not the best pics ik but they're good enough to see what's going on. Here are the results of the water test I did this weekend. (I was only able to get the Tetra easy strips 6 in1) I'm not sure if I read these right, they seemed REALLY far off on a couple.
Nitrate was 10
nitrite was/ is 0
GH was 300?
chlorine 0
KH was 300?
PH was 8.4?

I did a 75% water change and cycled for 24 hours. I also tested the tap water, results below for the tap water
Nitrate 5
Nitrite 0
GH 300
Chlorine 0
KH about 120
PH 7.8

This weekend I added some java fern spawns and java moss. I Just retested the tank water, results below.
Nitrate 5
Nitrite 0
GH 200?
chlorine 0
KH 200?
PH 8
Not sure if these are right, ik they're just basic readings but they seem to read that way for most of my tanks (didn't test beta or bait tank). The results were almost identical in my 20gal which has two plecos and 3 minnows all of which are almost 1 yr old and tank is 'established'. I'm kind of thinking that the test is just that far off. Thoughts/ experiences with these test strips?
(This pic was taken after I got my hands on some moss. The moss is currently tied with fishing line to a glass vase which I decided to use as a pedestal for a crystal ball. The pretty stone next to it is a large polished chunk of Labradorite, which has a phenomena called a shiller that creates that cool rainbow shine.)



AC Members
Mar 29, 2023
This is the same tank after I played a bit with it yesterday. I changed the crystal ball to a Labradorite sphere and I just can't get a good pic of it. The big chunk of stone on the far right is a rough moonstone. The little pot (shrimp cave) was an unused oil difuser I had laying around, and planted in the top is an unknown plant that Plecalopagus kept uprooting in my beta tank. The java fern spawns that I added (10 babies) all have gotten greener and have new growth so I'm pretty sure the tank water isn't toxic. Lol It also no longer glows under the black light.

