Fluval 307 vs Aquatop 3-Stage CF300

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Mar 29, 2005
My preference would likely be to go with your initial idea and make a sump and go with a DC pump so you can control the speed of flow by controlling the speed of the pump itself.

I've used current generation canister filters and I likely wouldn't use Eheim nor Fluval if I had the choice.

If I had my personal choice for a canister I would go with Sicce or OASE. To keep the budget down I would go with Hygger .

I've never been much of a fan of Aquatop and their business practices. Fluval just aren't keeping up with the times and can be difficult to use and kind of fiddly with the way the filter media is arranged.

I also don't like anything where I'm forced to use the supplied in and outlet pipes either.. especially the strange ones with the fluval .
