The pool is 5x10 above ground. Originally it was built as a reservoir for rainwater but couldn't resist adding plants . Interesting that you mention "predators" When I set this up in 82 was unable to keep goldfish due to herons, raccoons even ospreys and small boys lol
Switched over to swordtails and added a heating system until the freeze of 08.
All the plants survived but the swords had a complete wipeout, fearing mosquitoes added the feeder goldfish thinking the predators would wide them out by spring lol They grew at an astounding rate and mutiplied even more lol.
had a friend with similar problem added peacock bass. Now WAY over supplied with bass and no goldfish lol
Was thinking about some type of predatory fish but how to avoid my friends problem??
Since I'm no longer going to heat the pool choices are limited. Maybe ONE sunfish of some type?? Or maybe American flagfish?? Have heard they are aggressive though.??
I live in S. florida between two canals often visited by turtles .crayfish, and snakes .
Have never made a dent on the fish populationMostly waterbirds. .
The main purpose of the pool will still be for tropical plants Winter cooling for them is no problem in fact it's a great benefit , except for some aquarium type plants but those are not suitable pond plants anyway. Thanks for the help!!! Where are the hungry bird when you need them ?? lol gary