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Fish Wrangler
Oct 16, 2008
Wonderful Windy Wyoming
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I too like to have a chance of my fish breeding even in a long shot way...without too much effort on my part or even a small chance of fry, lol. Yeah, I think several species of gobies do the pelagic thing. Odyssey has or had many gobies & has visited many of their natural habitats.

Still, I'm happy I tried stiphodons, not something I would have done without a coast to coast move & a chance to start all over with very different fish...just 1 more interesting thing about relocating :D We've done it a few times over the years, new water, new lfs, new opportunities...it keep life & fish keeping interesting!
I've never lived farther than 50 miles from here. One thing about on-line shops and today's shipping practices, though, is that far more fish are available to folks around the country. I've had the opportunity to keep numerous species that were nothing more than a distant dream in the 1980s and 90s.

WYite, you have an excellent wife!
Yeah, I think I'll keep her around for another 20. ? Our deal is that I can have as many tanks of whatever size I want as long as they fit in the fishroom. I can also keep any herp, fish, or invert I want. And now that the kids are all grown up, I can even keep venomous species. I've been wanting a scorpionfish again for years, but the deal was that as long as the kids were young and couldn't be 100% relied upon to control their curiosity and impulses, that there would be no venomous critters in the house. I've always wanted a copperhead snake as well, for some reason. I've always just loved their pattern. I wouldn't go with anything really dangerous though, like a cobra or blue-ringed octopus or gaboon viper. I may be more than a bit psychotic, but as long as I stay on my meds I ain't stupid! ???



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Update: he's baacckk! Earlier in the year than I've noticed him before. Maybe because I weeded the long vals heavily? He liked to perch on them & graze sometimes. I also feed flake less often since the last leopard danio died (finally! or did my husband see a fry a few weeks ago?).

Anyway, a nice surprise, again! Coming up on 10 years since I got him as an adult. That's a pretty good lifespan especially for a small (2 inch) fish.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
Maybe it tele-ports to a secret space.....


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I've wondered that too Bob...I also think it's good I don't vacuum much, who knows where he goes or what he eats? I have a feeling there's a ton of "mulm" in & under the rocks...unless it gets teleported too


Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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Very cool!

My surprises tend to be on the horrible end of the spectrum. :eek:


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
That's why it's always cool to see him, FF, even if it's only a few months each year.

Yeah, I've had the bad surprises too, that's what's so fun about my goby returning again & again each time.

2tank, I've had to move before any of my fish has lived much beyond 10 years but I count that as pretty good, they seemed healthy & happy when I had to rehome them...sniffle...it was never a practicable idea to move any of my loaches in our move timeline. Years ago we tried to move some favorite cichlids but it was not a good experience...I thought hard with my MA clown loaches & some other fish but we were homeless for a couple weeks. Bleh, I was heartbroken but resigned...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
OMG! And then there were 2 gobies!!! My husband said he saw 2 stiphodons the other night when he fed flakes. I didn't get to see both but 1 (?) has been out lately. Last time I saw 1 almost a year ago he looked a bit more fin blue, but not as pretty as they can get. I wonder now if that may have been the 2nd male. They are 2 different species (I'm almost positive) but very similar.

I've seen some stiphodons of a couple species in a few lfs lately, but never any females. I only had 1 female 1 time but she & males had camallanus worms I didn't know when I got them. 1 is the sole survivor I still have! I think 1 is Stiphodon atropurpureus – Blue Neon Goby (Microsicydium atropurpureum, Microsicydium formosum) — Seriously Fish the other I thought was not s. semoni but I forget what species of blue goby (elegans?). There are many & very hard to ID, their coloring can vary a LOT! & then there are common names too! Moment to moment, water conditions, food, breeding thoughts or territories. They are the most appearance changing (male) fish I've ever kept! But that's not all of their charm! I know I mentioned their people interactiveness & head turning abilities. If only breeding them was a realistic possibility...I'm very glad I decided to try keeping these fish! (& my sewellia loaches with them). It helps that the tank is next to my computer, lol.

I did see an entire tank of female stiphodons 1 time, but since they can't easily be bred, the ID wasn't very good (all the species females look almost alike) & after the worm disaster, I passed.

I also had 2 pairs of tiny stiphodon percnopterygionus Stiphodon percnopterygionus — Seriously Fish in the early days of this tank. They were fun to watch with their colorful displays & mild territory issues. Not even fighting really, more just posturing & "color" wars between the males. I & the females were amused.
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