HELP!!! Strange Betta Wound

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montanafish gal

AC Members
Aug 1, 2009
ahhhh I was just teasin ya!! I dont need a prize. just say this for all to see: "Montanafish Gal is the smartest lady in ALL Montana!!".


AC Members
Apr 21, 2009
Montanafishgal- I would say that you are the smartest lady in all Montana but... That wouldn't be saying very much. :) I'm sure I could think of something much more complimentary.

A quick update- "Goldie" is looking even better. The wound can only be seen at certain angles. I'll post pics soon.

Firey rosetail

Fiery Rosetail
Nov 5, 2009
is it a parasite? It sounded like a parasite..if you feed live foods..thats my beginners impression. What does anyone know of hole in the head?

Firey rosetail

Fiery Rosetail
Nov 5, 2009
Just a reply to the hole in the fish flank picture... I have had two other bettas and read up on the diseases. I have just found out abouthis Hole in the head, or HLLE parasite.

Seeing the fish with a hole in its flank, the information I found says that the holes can sometimes appear onthe body of the fish. There is a hole in the head medication at Petsmart. It is mircanozole ( spelling is close to that) type medication.

Reason I am seeing this is that I have just found this disease on a great betta website and I thought I knew all the diseases.

So My HMRT Betta scenario goes like this and some one who knows about these meds, I hope to hear from you! :1zhelp:

I got my Red/pink irrad Betta three days ago. As soon as I saw him I thought I saw an unsound head, he got sick from the beating in transit overnight. His head was grey and there was this instinct for me that said "hole in the head." He was shipped to me and he took 24 hours to get out of the bag and begin acclimating, He was beating/ fighting the narrow bag alot- go figure he is anturally fiesty. So, I look at him these last few days, and he is eating a shrimp. which I thought was not enough for being so active, with my tryign to keep his temp near 80 to be like heat antiseptic and keep his color consistant ( and not freak this first time red:jaw-dropping: owner out- which he did anyway today!). My last betta was a piggy in disguise I guess!

Now, on the side of introduction, I did those five step dips and the three PHs for the bag and my water throughout the acclimation--all normal great, when I got him.

Now I am not blaming the seller at all, the fish sustained damage in shipping and there is a gray spot on the top near the head joint.The seller did feed him from own cultures variety and hikari. BUT His head was so gray diifferent from picture I thought he had a, broke his jaw look beating the bag or the deep lines near his cheeks, I thought its gonna fall off impression b/c his head was very solid looking in the stock photo. And I wanted to have apic of that before I got him. Probably a good thing, I would have been too upset knowing.

Now, I was reassured that he had pale coloring and he is normal. For what I have seen, he has HUGE color changes as he's mother is a cambodian red. This grey spot has lessened to looking like a black edged scale just between his eyes and the red cheek cracking.

I just saw the open wounded look enough today and the melafix bottle informed me I should have been treating him for the first three days, so I gave him five drops in his 3/4g. and he looked improved in the face and got vigorous with some colorchange onthe fins, i raised the temp to redden him back up to eat his pea. Oh his lips were brown puckered looking and that improved to clear that up and tuck the lip. He did show some body reddening temporarily mid near the belly, the anal fin half.

If I suspect he ever had hole in the head because of shipping distress,because I have treated him with the drops and saw improvement generally, do I need to treat with more melafix drops tomorrow to "complete the treatment" (which is my cure-all) or get the meds for hole in the head?

Does Melafix treat the parasites for that disease necesarily? what happens when I have started the healing with Melafix and then put in Hole in the Head medication?

Thanks all, I will eventually learn how to describe so as to not be long winded! I appreciate any knowledge on the disease problems, and this one, since it is new to me. Please PM me so I am sure to see your replies. Thanks! I cannot get my digital camera to cooperate in taking photos--unless there is a space for 20 seconds of video on AC?


AC Members
Apr 21, 2009
I'm sorry I've abandoned this post for so long. I've had a really busy couple of weeks.

I'm glad to say that my betta "Goldie" is still alive and kicking! Although his wound has not healed yet.. It was looking great after my first attempt at fasting him, then I resumed a feeding him very meager portions. His wound flared back up and almost looked worse than before. He had an unidentified organ sticking out of his side. It was about the size of a half of a pencil eraser! After fasting just one or two more days the organ resumed it's position in his stomach and the wound has been doing better with each passing day. Still not healed though...

I'll post pics by the end of the day.


There is always more to learn
Aug 5, 2009
Real Name
I would recommend adding melafix, it has helped me before with betta flesh/fin wounds. But that one looks rather strange...
I heard that melafix is harmful to anabantiods including Bettas.


The Tomboy
Aug 20, 2009
I heard that melafix is harmful to anabantiods including Bettas.
Yes I have heard that too. I stopped using bettafix because I guess it has melafix in it just in smaller doses but still I stopped using it.


AC Members
Apr 21, 2009
Here's the updated pics, I wish I had a few from when he had his GAPING hole in his side. The wound seems to heal 95% and not quite close. This is a close as he's been to all healed up. I've had to fast him for at least a week to get these results.

He's looking pretty good right now.
Halloween and Betta Business 090.JPG

His wound is the dark red and black spot just above his left pectoral fin. (it's partially blocked by the fin)
Halloween and Betta Business 097.JPG

I'm starting my second wave of small portions to make sure I don't starve the little guy to death.
If someone could specify a brand of parasite treatment they recommend I'd really appreciate it.

This is Goldie waving "HI!" and saying thank you to everyone who has pitched in so far!
Halloween and Betta Business 088.JPG

Halloween and Betta Business 090.JPG Halloween and Betta Business 097.JPG Halloween and Betta Business 088.JPG