Hi, again!

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AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Hartford City, IN
After a few tankless years I've decided to start again. I picked up a 40 Gal breeder along with a Fluval 307 canister and Fluval Aquasky light.

It's interesting how much has changed in the aquarium industry and retail environment since I set up my last tank. My LFS no longer carries many items because they "can't compete with online prices".
Lighting has came a long way since the florescent bulbs and timers of the past. My new light is app controlled, does a whole night/sunrise/daylight/sunset cycle and can be programed to mimic different weather patterns every day. Who would have thought anything like that would be possible 14 years ago.

Even this forum has came a long way. You don't have to have a photo bucket account to inbed a link into your post to have a picture!

I'm looking forward to going a new direction this time since my last 3 tanks (75-75 and 120 gal) have been large south American cichlid tanks.



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Welcome back! I don't remember you but I was new here in those long ago days, lol. I'm still old school for many things...lighting among them.

So what's the plan for your new tank? The big gravel may not be best for many fish or plants. In a 40b I'm guessing not big cichlids this time around. It can be fun to go in a new direction!


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Hartford City, IN
Welcome back! I don't remember you but I was new here in those long ago days, lol. I'm still old school for many things...lighting among them.

So what's the plan for your new tank? The big gravel may not be best for many fish or plants. In a 40b I'm guessing not big cichlids this time around. It can be fun to go in a new direction!
I don't have much of a plan yet. I just seen the 40B and it was a size I've always liked so I bought it. The pea gravel is pretty small, maybe 1/4" pieces or so.

I'm leaning toward a community style tank with a tetra school of some form, or danios along with some cori cats and maybe a couple small SA Cichlids (rams?)

I'm thinking there needs to be some rock work and driftwood and probably some fake plants.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, just get real plants! Java fern & anubias are almost fool-proof attached to wood or rocks...OK, I belong to a plant club ;) . Cryptocorynes are easy too but 1/4" gravel is a bit on the large size...Think about it.

Rather than rams that need high-ish temps, maybe apistos or kribensis? Be careful what tetras you choose, some are mellow, some not. For a schooler I love rasboras. Just some ideas. All corys are cute, but many prefer lower temps than rams

How will you cycle the tank?


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Hartford City, IN
Kribs would be fine too and I seen some at my LFS the other day. Not set on tetras, but I do want a decent sized shole of something. I'll grabbed some media out of my outside pond to jumpstart things.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Cool, steve! Keep us in the loop on what fish you're thinking of getting, we all have opinions/experiences. Research/ask before buying.

I'm excited for your new tank, I'm sure you are too!


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Hartford City, IN
Here's a possibility. It might very based on what I can source locally.

Also makes me glad I went with the 307 filter instead of the 207. I usually like to over filter a little more than this though. My last tank was a 120 gal with 2 FX5's so I never really gave it much thought.

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oooh! I like it! But be flexible about the apisto species, you may have different but acceptible species in LFS/local clubs. I love that many apistos females are yellow, males blue or something else...almost like a different kind of fish...but possibly a pair & breeding? Could be extra fun even if you don't get to raise fry (always iffy in a community tank...)

Red tailed rasboaras are my absolute favorite underrated fish, I adored mine. Unlike tetras & danios, rasboras don't have teeth in the front of their mouths, they really can't be nippy in the way tetras can.

Corys, so many species to love! Sterbai prefer higher temps than some...go with what you can get locally or can order online that are temperature compatible with your other fish choices, all corys are wonderful! Don't forget there are dwarf species if you want a lot of cats ;) I love my bottom fish!


AC Members
Dec 28, 2009
Hartford City, IN
She decided she wanted me to do real plants this time around. We went to a fish shop about an hour and a half away to see what all they had. They had quite a few apisto's. Some really nice looking "double red cockatoo's". If I can't find what I want locally when I'm ready for fish I'll go down there. I picked up 3 nice pieces of drift wood and a variety of plants that the shop said would be great for a beginner and would be fine in pea gravel. The driftwood is soaking in hot water right now to help with tannins. We stuck in the plants kinda sporadically for now till I get the driftwood in.



Global Moderator
Staff member
Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
Real Name
Welcome back and it looks like a nice start. I can't quite tell what your plants are, but rooting plants may be a challenge in that pea gravel. Corys would be better suited for finer, sand type substrates so they can sift and root through it.

When I jumped back in the hobby about 9yrs ago after a 30+yr hiatus, I started with pea gravel as well. That lasted about 2-3 months.