How long dose it take fancy goldfish to get full size?

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AC Members
Dec 27, 2006
I was wondering how long it will take my fish to get full grown. They are in my sig(55g). I have had them since Aug. They were in a 5g but I joined this form and then got a 55g with a Wisper 60 and a Penguin bio wheel 350.


Tactical Refreshment Action
Nov 25, 2006
arlington heights - hoffman estates, IL
A fact about gold fish. They grow to the size according to the volume of water they are in. In a small tank they will never get very big. In a very large tank they will get to be quite large. I have seen them grow to two feet long but they might even get larger I do not know.

Gold fish grow rapidly when there is enough water. Strange I know but that is how they survive. Small tank small fish. Large tank large fish.

My goldies were about 2" when i purchased them in 2002. They reached they're current size about a year ago then stopped growing.


The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
depends on how clean the water is, and how much they are fed. if you feed them three times a day and do 50% water changes twice a week, it might only be months until they are full size.


AC Members
Jan 25, 2007
depends on how clean the water is, and how much they are fed. if you feed them three times a day and do 50% water changes twice a week, it might only be months until they are full size.
I agree. And when you feed, make sure don't feed a lot at each time.


Not enough tanks, space, or time
Jan 15, 2006
Northern Virginia
Tank size, filtration, how many goldfish, water changes, food, and water parameters will all affect growth rate. I had one of mine go from almost 2" body length to about baseball size in about 4 months. I would up the filtration to include a Fluval if that is in the budget.

Do you have a substrate? They are prone to swim bladder disease and eating off the surface increases that risk dramatically. I would only feed New Life Spectrum's goldfish food, it is the best brand hands down. Their goldfish food is sinking which is exactly what you need. The problem is if you have gravel it can fall between the gravel. I had a bare bottom tank. If you have gravel you can just put in a pasta bowl for humans to eat from. It is short but wide. Use an undergravel filter riser tube to put the food right in the bowl, they will learn very quickly what that tube means.

I did about 90% water changes weekly. Since they are used to having a certain mineral content in the water I would suggest something like Goldfish Trace from Seachem to simulate this. The pH should be about 7.5, and if it isn't like this naturally I recommend API's Proper pH 7.5.

What type of goldfish exactly? How many? How big so far?


AC Members
Dec 27, 2006
I have three fancies. 1 Black Moor and 2 Calico fan tails. They are in a 55g with a Whisper 60 and a Penguin bio wheel 350. That’s enough for 135g. I thought that would be enough?? I check the water almost everyday. I have live in tank detectors for ph and ammonia. I do a water change when ever anything is out of range. The water is perfect right now. I have gravel. They were really small when I got them. I feed once a day. Sometimes I will skip a couple days if the moor is constipated then I will feed peas. I feed them sinking sprinaula(sp) wafers. They really seem to like them. I usuly feed them flake food. I put it infront of the filter wich makes in sink to measure the fish
The moor is about 1 inch. one calico is 1 1/2 inch and the other 2-2 3/4 inches. They have been in the 55g for about a month and a half. They were in a 5g for 5 months before I found out that wasnt enough for them.
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Not enough tanks, space, or time
Jan 15, 2006
Northern Virginia
Try finding New Life Spectrum Goldfish food, it will be worth it. So your pH stays at 7.5? It is better to get into a schedule for water changes and prevent problems rather than wait until problems start to arise. The fact that the moor occasionally gets constipated is reason enough alone to switch to a better diet. Just because they like something does not mean it is the best thing for them. Almost every fish I have fed NLS loves it anyways, so you shoudln't have to worry about them liking it.


AC Members
Dec 27, 2006
I will be on the look out for the food....any guess on how long it will take them to get full grown?


Tactical Refreshment Action
Nov 25, 2006
arlington heights - hoffman estates, IL
about a year - year 1/2

BTW jessu - this has nothing to do with your question, but does your black moore ever just float around, doing nothing? all 4 of mine seem to be doing this.


Not enough tanks, space, or time
Jan 15, 2006
Northern Virginia
It really depends on those things I described before. If all are done as best as possible, they can be full grown in 6-10 months. Also, every individual is different, so in the same conditions one grows like a wee while another has very slow, barely noticable growth. As with compatibility and stocking, the answer to growth rate is: it depends.
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