about a year - year 1/2
BTW jessu - this has nothing to do with your question, but does your black moore ever just float around, doing nothing? all 4 of mine seem to be doing this.
He will lay down and down and do nothing some times when the other fish wont include him. Most of the time he is flaping around. He is an erratic swimmer, been that way since a tiny fry. He also gets him self stuck in plants alot. He is rather quirky.
My fish will float around at night or close to when I usuly turn of their lights.
Is there alot of current in your water? Mabye it too much for them. I have 2 filters on my tank and I put one on half flow so its not hard for them to swim. My moor will play in the current. He will swim toward the filter and let him self be carried by the current then repeat.