How long dose it take fancy goldfish to get full size?

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about a year - year 1/2

BTW jessu - this has nothing to do with your question, but does your black moore ever just float around, doing nothing? all 4 of mine seem to be doing this.

He will lay down and down and do nothing some times when the other fish wont include him. Most of the time he is flaping around. He is an erratic swimmer, been that way since a tiny fry. He also gets him self stuck in plants alot. He is rather quirky.
My fish will float around at night or close to when I usuly turn of their lights.

Is there alot of current in your water? Mabye it too much for them. I have 2 filters on my tank and I put one on half flow so its not hard for them to swim. My moor will play in the current. He will swim toward the filter and let him self be carried by the current then repeat.
Healthy fish usually do not have problems with high flow. I had no decorations in my tank to slow down flow, a Fluval 404, and 2 Whisper 60s and didn't have any problems with any of them.
I thought I read some where that high currents in a tank would be like what a treadmill is to us and something about tying a button to a piece of string to find the current flow.:huh:
There are very few fish that are that sensitive to flow. And the flow is greatly reduced through most of the tank, only being very strong right where the water comes out of the output from the filter.
I remember when i was younger my parents had a goldfish in a 20 gallon long tank and it grew so big that when it would put its head in the bottom of the tank to get food the tail would stick completly out of the water, we eventually got the pond ready and put it in there, i don't remeber to much after that just the fish in the tank (i was maybe 3 or 4, i am 19 now)
I have two fancy goldfish in a 55 gallon, heavily planted tank. Im running 2 x 1600lph diy tube filters with power heads on top. My calico veiltail has grown from 2" to 6" in approximately 15 months and the blackmoor is a relatively new fish around 2" and he's grown 1/2" in a month. I do a 30% water change one week and a 70%change the following week. Water temperature is 75°~.
If you want to grow your fish fast then feed live tubifex 3 times a week along with a specialist goldfish pellet. Buy the best you can afford. It's important that you feed vegetables after the live food to clear the digestive tract. I feed blanched cilantro (coriander) in a clip with a magnet, blanched siices of zucchini (courgette), banana, mango, shelled cooked peas, chopped cooked Brussels sprout, blanched basil leaves and blanched lettuce.
I sometimes give them egg tofu (recipes on YouTube) and I make a batch and freeze it. I add freeze dried daphnia and krill flakes. I feed twice a day. They get a salt bath using aquarium salt every six months to get rid of any parasites they may pick up from the live food.
I'm waiting for a tricolour peony tail oranda to arrive from Indonesia, hopefully some time in February or March.
My fish are spoiled I know but they give me so much pleasure to watch.
15 year old thread....
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