how many female bettas in a planted 10 gallon?

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AC Members
Dec 30, 2009
I'd say 6 so the aggression will be evened throughout the group.


AC Members
Jan 30, 2008
Northern Michigan
I have had 7 together in a 29g. Five were sisters and 2 were added at the same time as the sisters. All but one got along very well. She had to be moved. The tank was absolutely beautiful - very peaceful and slow moving fish. Perfect for my bedroom :)


AC Members
Nov 14, 2009
I agree, Bettas have a wide range of personalities. You could try it but be ready with an extra tank to separate them or be prepared to take them back.
But if you have a larger group the agression will be spread out
Although female bettas may have different personalities, if you find them at a pet store, where thhey have been exposed to other bettas, you should be fine. At a breeders, they will probably share a tank with other female bettas (which a lot of breeders have done IME which I see when I go to buy bettas from them) due to lack of space
I agree with the person in this thread who said that female bettas will only be horribly agressive if you isolate them since birth
If they show signs of agression you do not have to take them back...just give them a few weeks to establish a pecking order
Remember 4+ FEMALE bettas together= peace and love (if you let them establish a pecking order)
This doesnèt work for males though, although they have different personalities just as the females do


AC Members
Jan 26, 2010
Culpeper, VA
I have read 2-3 Gallons per Betta is required, plus a ton of hiding spots, at least one for each fish. The hiding places should also be all over the tank, not just in a corner or along the back wall. Since this will make it harder for them to make a quick getaway.
Also, you should introduce all females to the tank at the same time, so no one fish has had a chance to claim anything. Fighting shouldn't be too rough. If there is a particular girl that is a bully, try separating her for a few days, then reintroduce. If this fails more than 2/3x, you should find her a new home.


AC Members
Nov 14, 2009
I agree with the above
You should wait a couple days first before re-introduction and re-removal

Lightning Bug

My fish talk to me
Nov 4, 2009
well first off, thnx for all the feedback guys :)

so 5 to 6 is the number most everyone seems to be agreeing on. that can work for me.

im glad yall said something about not introducing a betta that has been by itself all its life... cause iv got a female crowntail that i was thinking about adding, but she's had her own place for about a year now so i think im gona just leave her where she is. plus i love her too much to see her have to go through the first few weeks of nipping, even if she would end up being the head fishy since her isolation (and then intrusive sorority situation) would probably make her so fighting mad she'd rip and shred better than any of the others.

as far as well planted goes, itll be well planted. its already pretty nice as it is with 2 good pieces of bogwood, java moss, anubias, a sword plant and a little java fern. im already wanting to add more plants anyway so that shouldnt be a problem. there is an open space for swimming, i could probably turn it into a spiral val forest.

any other thoughts?


Dec 28, 2009
Chattanooga, TN
Sounds like good plants to me, but since you're adding so many fish at once I'd make sure they have some established filter media set up in the tank so it doesn't go into a cycle.