i dont have much money and need help

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Educated Idiot
Dec 15, 2004
San Angelo, TX
Leopardess said:
EDIT: While Harlocks intentions were good - You *cannot* keep congo tetras in a ten gallon. They will be 3-5" a piece and require a lot of room, plus they are fairly delicate.
While Leopardess' intentions are good, I never suggested anyone keep congos in a 10 gallon. ;)


AC Members
Jan 22, 2005
That's a fine selection of fish there, too bad they don't stay small forever ;)
I'm a huge fan of gouramis myself and would recommend you turn your tank into an all gourami haven...if your tank was larger.

Interesting how the general 1" / gallon rule is misinterpreted or extrapolated to mean 1 fish per gallon. Apparently there's a difference. Yet, if your fish seem happy as a pig in poop then by all means add some tetras such as rummy-nose or serpae.



Senior N00b
Feb 5, 2004
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Man. All I have in my 10 gallon is 1 betta and 3 Cory Juliis. Even with this I do weekly 50% water changes.

Of course my nitrates are never higher than 5ppm.


AC Members
Feb 12, 2003
Sevierville, TN
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Yes, heed some advice here. My blue gourami got nearly 3" in about a year. Very peaceful fish to others, but not so peaceful to other gouramis. While still a juvenile (about 1 inch) he/she killed its tankmate. Since then, it lived peacefully with any other fish it came in contact with.

But in all honesty, your tank may look fine as frogs hair right now, but will soon become too much to handle itself.

If you are truely limited in funds ($$) you should return everything except the betta and shrimp. THat is, unless you just wanted to return everything and start over the right way.

Whatever you decide to do, please take into account the FUTURE needs of ANY fish BEFORE making a purchase.

Little fish often fall victim to little bunny or little chicken syndrome. Parents buy these animals as babies and soon find that baby animals grow up to be adult animals and have different requirements.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Feb 18, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Your current fishload would be more suited for a 55g tank.


AC Members
Feb 12, 2003
Sevierville, TN
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I agree with Slap.

And as a side note, do not fall victim to what so many others of us have fallen victim to in the past. That is, fish that we are not able to properly house.

I know when I first started keeping fish I didn't do ANY research. I just bought the fish I thought looked pretty or cool and threw them into my tank.
I soon, as have so many of us, learned that the fish selection I chose either couldn't live peacefull together, required different water parameters, or simply would just grow too big to be housed in my tank longterm.

With the vast diversity of available fish out there, no matter waht tank you have there are fish suitable to it. My absolute dream tank would consist of fish that live in my area ( a rainbow trout, smallmouth bass, channel catfish, crapie etc). I would have a tank full of one of each fish that you could readily find in a lake near me. Unfortunately I do not have the financial means to construc such an indoor facility to 1) properly house such fish and 2) do so in a way that would be asthetically pleasing to look at. Due to those facts, I am limited in the selection of fish I may keep.

The key to happy fishkeeping is to know how much $$ you have and are willing to spend on a tank of whatever size. THEN pick your fish. Even a 10g guppy tank can provide a lot of enjoyment if stocked and decorated properly. Personally, I have had as much enjoyment from watching my 2 breeding convicts as I have had from any other fish I have kept. They may not be the prettiest fish in the world, but just watching their behaviors is beautiful enough for me to keep them for as long as I am able.
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