I'm having trouble keeping my cool water tank cool. Please help!!!

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Tactical Refreshment Action
Nov 25, 2006
arlington heights - hoffman estates, IL
using a fan and ice packs has worked great for me.


Senior Member? Do I get a 5% disc.?
The goldfish will survive the warmer waters but it's important to increase the surface agitation during the warmer months so the O2 levels stay up. You can do this by adding an airstone that puts out bigger bubbles. The airstones do not actually add O2 with the bubbles. It's when the bubbles pop on the surface and create surface agitation that causes additional gas exchange at the surface so the water gets some O2 from the air outside the tank. Another simple thing to do to increase surface agitation at no cost to you is to raise your HOB filter a little so the waterfall splashes more. I put an empty marks-a-lot type plastic tube between the top of the tank and the HOB which raises the waterfall about an inch. This will create plenty of surface agitation and allow for CO2 to outgas from the water and O2 to ingas into the water. You could also add some floating plants like Anacharis which would help to raise the O2 levels while sucking up excess CO2 and nitrates/phosphates from your tank. The goldfish will still munch on the anacharis but since it's floating, it makes it harder for them to eat, compared to anchored plants.


Befriend a feeder!
Oct 17, 2006
Southern California
Goldfish are totally fine in warmer waters. I keep my tank at 75 most of the year, and in the summer it's usually around 80.
Contrary to popular opinion, goldfish are a temperate species, not a true coldwater, and they do well between 65 and 85. Below 65 they go into state of semi-dormancy, metabolism slows down, and they are sluggish. Between 70 and 75 they're comfortable, but these are the temperatures at which their immune systems are most vulnerable (true for koi as well). Above 80 they can have such a fast metabolism that the bacteria has a hard time keeping down the parameters, they produce so much waste. So the best temps to keep golfish are generally 65-70 or 75-80. Yours will be fine! :)