Thought I would start another thread instead of bumping my own thread out of the dark shadows of AC and give a quick update...hopefully pics will follow soon.
Just placed a rather large and wallet busting order with Cooks.
-D. admirabilis 'large form'
-D. pygmaea 'green'
-D. capensis 'all red'
-D. nitidula ssp. nitidula
-D. palacea ssp. palacaea 'cranbrook'
-D. madagascarensis
-D. roseana
-D. affinis
-D. nidiformis
-D. sp. Pretty Rosette
and last but not least P. primuflora
I will be moving over the tropical dews and Neps to the 20 long. The pygmies and pings will stay in the 15g. I'm pumped!!!
Just placed a rather large and wallet busting order with Cooks.
-D. admirabilis 'large form'
-D. pygmaea 'green'
-D. capensis 'all red'
-D. nitidula ssp. nitidula
-D. palacea ssp. palacaea 'cranbrook'
-D. madagascarensis
-D. roseana
-D. affinis
-D. nidiformis
-D. sp. Pretty Rosette
and last but not least P. primuflora
I will be moving over the tropical dews and Neps to the 20 long. The pygmies and pings will stay in the 15g. I'm pumped!!!