lame tank

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Aug 30, 2004
I have a 29-gallon tank that I've had for a while now. I love it, but the decor is pretty lame. I want to overhaul it and put in some new gravel (I currently have lovely blue rocks) and live plants. Basically, I want to make the tank look more natural. I've been looking around and have some ideas, but I'm worried about making such a big change in the tank.

I've read some threads about how to change out rocks, and that seems fairly straight forward (a handfull at a time, or transfer the fish out for and then do the change all at once), but what about adding live plants? If I change the rocks and add all live plants in the same day I'm worried about it stressing out the fish. Also worried about it changing the water cycle. Anyone have any advice? Also any design ideas are always welcome.



AC Members
Sep 29, 2003
Richmond, VA
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Live plants help lessen the cycle, they don't worsen it, don't worry. How old is your tank and what kind of substrate are you considering? Sand, fluorite, profile, onyx, naturally colored gravel?


No freelancing!
Aug 14, 2001
Real Name
What type of filter are you running? If you have a external power filter with good bio-media, then you can easily take the fish out, place them in a tub with the filter media, tear down the tank, put in appropriate substrate, and plants, bring it to temp, and then return the fish and filter to the setup. As long as you use the same water source as you currently use for changes, the water parameters should be the same and the tank shouldn't cycle again. I'd add several of the fast growing plants initially, and then gradually add the plants you want in the long run, but this would just be a precaution to an algae spike. Have you decided what substrate you want?


Fish Nut
Aug 29, 2004
Gulfport, MS
kara2 said:
... If I change the rocks and add all live plants in the same day I'm worried about it stressing out the fish. Also worried about it changing the water cycle. Anyone have any advice? Also any design ideas are always welcome.

For live plants, do some research on what you want to use as a substrate. Some plants do fine with most anything, but some will need a fine (sandy) substrate with minerals in it. Iron is a biggie, but others are needed in various levels. Play sand for sandboxes is cheap, but doesn't make the best substrate. Live plants have other needs, too. (lighting is a biggie) Check out the live plants forum for info and links to websites with info. I would think that live plants will do very little to add stress, and go a long ways to alleviating it. (Fish like to hide in em)

As for stress, there is always some involved with sticking your hands into the tank. For otherwise healthy fish, I don't think the stress involved with a complete makeover is a huge deal. (No more so then getting netted in the store, put in a bag, and dumped into a new home would be.) I recommend that if you do it all at once, save a large portion of the tank's water to put back into the tank when you are done.

Design ideas: I like the look of driftwood, but driftwood changes your water chemistry somewhat. You can buy/make stuff to add to your tank for decorations and fish hiding places. I would try to think of what you want your tank to look like when you are done, and then plan accordingly. There are tons of pictures of people's tanks online, and in the forums here. Think of something you might like, and post your ideas here. People will offer suggestions, tips on how to do certain things, ect. Lots of experience here.
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2004
The tank is about two years old, with a bio wheel filter off the back. OrionGirl, what do you mean by putting the filter media in the tub? Do you mean having the filter run off the side of the tub while I'm rearranging?

I was thinking naturally colored gravel, but I guess I don't really understand the difference between profile and naturally colored gravel. Looking at a post on a differnet string:

Leopardess said:
No. If you want light colored, medium to small gravel, get Schutlz's Aquatic Soil (aka Profile). It's at home depot and is about 6$ for a 10 lb bag. Can't beat it for the price, especially since what you're looking for describes it to a T.

This sounds like what I have in mind, but haven't been to home depot to check it out. I guess the description says light colored, which doesn't necessarily mean it will be natural looking, but it sounds like a good place to start.

I'll read through the plant forum for a while and try to pinpoint some plants that I'll eventually want to plant in there.

As for design, I was thinking about driftwood too. Also was thinking about slate and/or a combination of the two. (Maybe do a slate wall?) I want to draw it out before I start so that I have a good idea before I start. I also don't want to crowd things too much in there either.


Registered User of Fish
Feb 6, 2003
Nova Scotia, Canada
If you get a nice sized rubber maid tub and hook your filter to run in it then you can take all sorts of time to get your new tank right.

What Oriongirl was saying was that as long as your filter media (the sponges etc...) that are in the filter do not dry out then they will still hold most of the good bacteria that helps to cycle the tank. There is no bacteria in the water so all new water is fine.

This move will stress the fish so keep them in the dark while all this is happening and keep the tank lights off for 24 hours after you move them back. This will help a lot as they get used to their new home.

Live plants are always a good idea.


I will eat your fish.
Oct 24, 2003
Gieboldehausen, DE
aquariums are in an equalibrium, if you take out bacteria, levels will go up, if you take out fish, bacteriea will die away, i think lol but anyways when i changed my gravel i had nitrites for a week, nothing major, just a lil bit