loach id plz

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AC Members
Sep 13, 2002
Coquitlam, BC, Canada
this was sold to me as a golden zebra botia is this correct?
if so can u tell me a little about them plz

i was so mad because my lfs had a sale and clown loaches 1.5-2"
were on sale for 1.99$ CDN!!! but they were sold out:(
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AC Members
If the fish in the link Locust posted looks like your fish, I can help a bit.

I kept a pair for a couple of years. They were aggressive, territorial loaches that I had to keep with equally aggressive bottom dwellers or the chase was on and somebody got beat up. I kept them with botia modesta which were much larger and wouldn't back down. They didn't seem to bother the upper level fish unless they tried to horn in on the wafers.

They are pretty fish, when you can see them, and move like greased lightning. They like temps in the 78-ish range, soft water rather than hard, but not really fussy, and very clean water with low DOC. They REALLY like current and the addition of a powerhead will bring them out. Like most botia, the pair I had was inseparable. If you only got one, you may get some increased aggression.

I haven't seen any in my area since my pair succumbed to some weird illness and I lost them both.


AC Members
Apr 18, 2001
Edmonton, AB
I bought some loaches taht were labeled as golden zebra loaches from big al's. They turned out to be B.robusta check loaches.com for info on them.

My B.robusta were nice. They were kind of shy(nothign like my zebra loaches now,B.striata). I bought 3 and 1 jumped out of the tank.With only 2 left the smallest one got picked on alot.It later died also and the last one was really shy and when it did come out it picked on my other fish. I gave him away after a while and now jsut have my B.striata which i like better.