Long Horn Cow Fish

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We Play Well With Others
Dec 26, 2007
I purchased a Longhorn Cow Fish today after eyeing him for about a month.... I probably should have asked this question about a month ago I realize now as I type this but as the case stands here is what I am asking..... The LFS says that he is perfectly fine in my tank with my other fish (look at signature) and he will get plenty of food. I have read before that he might starve because he is not the most aggressive when it comes to feeding times. Should I take some sort of special care feeding him? Also he is just hanging out behind a filter at the top of the water... I assume he has to adjust before he will explore the tank.


AC Members
Mar 9, 2008
st. louis, missouri
yeah, i agree with him maybe having a hard time getting food...esp with the damsel. my damsels were incredibly fast and had insatible appetites. you might be able to train him to eat thawed mysis from a pipette or something. that's what i do with my seahorses and it works out great. they just hang out at the edge of the pipette and no sooner than i squirt the shrimp in the water they suck it up. and the cowfish do get pretty big, so you might end up having to eventually return him to the lfs, but i hope not, they are awesome looking fish.


AC Members
Jan 2, 2008
Have you researched the adult size of the fish you have? I hope you are planning on a 150gallon+ upgrade in the near future. I would also suggest some BIG water changes.

By "GSP" in your signature are you referring to a green spotted puffer? I would think he would harass the cowfish. Its going to be very hard to feed him with an aggressive puffer and an aggressive tang in there.

Also, I wouldn't listen to your LFS on fish advice if they think the stock in your 55 gallon tank is alright


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
I'd say it's definately unsuitable for your tank and not just because your tank is too small for him and some of your other fish. The other tankmates are pretty aggressive fish when it comes to eating and if your clown is anything like other GSM clowns they can be pretty aggressive. You are aware that if bullied, stressed or ill, that your cowfish will exude a toxin that could wipe out your whole tank including the cowfish?


AC Members
Dec 4, 2007
I'd say it's definately unsuitable for your tank and not just because your tank is too small for him and some of your other fish. The other tankmates are pretty aggressive fish when it comes to eating and if your clown is anything like other GSM clowns they can be pretty aggressive. You are aware that if bullied, stressed or ill, that your cowfish will exude a toxin that could wipe out your whole tank including the cowfish?
That's correct. I've heard of cowfish spewing their toxins in the shipping bag. I was told if you see foaming bubbles in the bag, then get him out quick, because as stated above, they can die from their own toxin.


We Play Well With Others
Dec 26, 2007
From what I can gather from actual documentation it just as dangerous as housing a puffer in a home aquarium. The toxin is in the fishes liver just like in a puffer. And just like in a puffer it can be expelled at death by the liver breaking down. Not just at random. But never the less, yes he will eventually need more adequate housing and I am getting pretty good about feeding him separately. It's a matter of letting every one else eat first. REal pain kinda.