Looking for Krib tips.

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AC Members
Dec 17, 2002
St. Matthews,SC
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FINALLY!! My LFS got some Kribs in and I picked up a pair while there. Been wanting a pair for awhile and they never got them or I missed them when they did. Got them in a 10g by themselves and they will stay that way. Any tips on feeding, breeding, water req. etc. I've read the profile a hundred times but I'm looking for behind-the-scene tips, experiances etc. I think they are some of the prettiest freshwater fish out there and would like to breed them. I know the first thing I have to do is replace my heater with one that is adjustable as opposed to the preset.
Share the knowledge.


AC Members
Dec 6, 2002
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Congrats on the Kribs; they are a great fish to keep! Krbis readily eat flake, pellet, frozen, and live foods. They aren't picky eaters. They are very suitable for a wide variety of water parameters, such as soft and hard. Somewhere in the middle is good, just keep the water clean and fresh through regular water changes. They prefer to have a space/cave/cubbyhole in the tank they can call their own, usually provided through rockwork, driftwood, or plants. Many use a flowerpot turned on its side.

Getting a pair usually isn't too difficult, but keep in mind, not all male/female kribs are compatible. If the male does not like the female, he will terrorize her. If the m/f gets along, they will both display very, very bright colors, particularly their bellies. Prior to breeding, their bellies will become beet red. The female will display to the male, and they m/f will usually hang out together. Eventually (there is no set timetable), the female will ready a spot in the territory that has bee staked off. She will lay eggs and the battle for the territory will become fierce. The male will adamantly defend it, while the female fans the eggs with her fins. During this time, the female usually won't eat, unless a stray bit of food floats by. After the eggs hatch, the female will stay with the fry. Until they are freeswimming, and sometimes later. They fry will eat algae, bit of "stuff" found in between the cracks of gravel, and bits of food that is expelled from their parents gills as they are eating.

Hope this helps :)


AC Members
Nov 15, 2003
Vancouver, Canada
Yes be very careful a 10 gallon is quite small.... however it can be done if aquascaped properly. Lots of driftwood, plants, and caves. Make it really cluttered and they should be okay. I breed my kribs in a 10 gallon.... and they are fine but i have LOTS of stuff in there which creates lots of hiding places incase they decide to fight (which does happen occationally).

Also feeding the babies baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake food with a turkey baster or eye dropper works really well too. Mine are growing like crazy!



AC Members
Dec 17, 2002
St. Matthews,SC
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I have a small flower pot, 2 arti. plants and 2 pieces of slate in there now. Instead of going in the pot they'd rather get behind it. I'm afraid that if I clutter it that I'll never see them. They run and hide now when I get close to feed them and they are soooo pretty. Can't figure yet if I have a pair or 2 of a kind. One looks older because its colors are brighter and better defined. Can't tell if its tail is rounded or tapered cause it won't stop long enough for me to see and its kind of transparent.
If I add "clutter" should I put it all over or line it up acroos the back and leave the front half open for viewing and swimming?

mome rath

splatter me with mustard
Mar 23, 2003
Columbus, OH

Where do you get your driftwood? I really don't get too excited about anything I see in the stores, and it's really expensive as well. I really like that tangly piece in your 10 gallon tank, but I can't find anything like that around here


AC Members
Nov 15, 2003
Vancouver, Canada
Hehe thanks!

I found all my wood at the beach. The tangly peice is actually a root.... from some sort of berry bush i think. I boiled the peices then tied them together with wire and held them down with rocks because they floated.

If you dont have any beaches near you try lakes.... or just the forest will do. Anywhere near water is great though if you can find wood already waterlogged. Just make sure you boil it first.

I agree wood from the stores is ugly and expensive.... :p

mome rath

splatter me with mustard
Mar 23, 2003
Columbus, OH
Well... hope I get time soon to go out and find some. Maybe after finals. Your tanks are really nice.