Losing all my corys

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AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
There's a problem in my tank which is killing all my corys, and after months of searching here and there I can't work what is wrong.

Up to a couple of months ago I had 7 corys in the 39g community tank - 4 peppered and 3 bronze. They've been happy and healthy for the couple of years, mating all the time and supposedly enjoying their home. Then several weeks ago I noticed the biggest peppered female had a small wound on her head between the eyes. It looked like she had run into something and gouged a hole in the flesh.

So I started treating the tank with melafix to try and help the wound heal. It didn't help. Over the next couple of weeks the wound got bigger, she stopped eating, become lethargic and in a few days was dead. Not long after that another of the peppered corys come down with the same thing - a hole in the flesh between the eyes. Thinking they may be injuring themselves on some wood in the tank I removed all the wood and decore. But treating with melafix and doing large water changes once again didn't help. Within a couple of weeks that one was dead too.

Well, I'm now down to one peppered and 2 bronze cory's - and I noticed yesterday the smallest bronze has this GITH (Gouge In The Head) disease as well. The wound has doubled in size in 24 hours. To me, it seems like some sort of flesh eating disease or something. The fish don't seem to act sick or go off their food until the wound pretty much bridges the entire area between the eyes. There doesn't seem to be any other symptoms - no blotches/sores in other areas or anything else.

Tank parameters have been stable, no nitrite/ammonia spikes that I know of, plants are growing and the bristlenoses, kuhlis and snails seem unaffected by this. So does anyone know what could be causing this? The only things I've come up with is either hexamita (doubt it) or fish TB. Any other ideas?

BTW, I've now QT'd the survivors, but it doesn't seem to be helping.


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
I've dealt with "Hole-in-the-heat" (AKA: HITH - try googling that, more will pop up) but with cichlids. There are MANY MANY reasons why this could happen, and it is VERY controversial. One thing I can suggest, is anyone who is NOT showing sympthoms to be REMOVED from any tank, QT or likewise that has anyone SHOWING symthoms. HITH "can" spread from fish to fish and you want to keep that from happening, so seperate the healthy from the unhealthy right away!!!

There are many "causes"- but something that worked for me and cured my poor guy was EXTREEM water changes. (50-70% a day). I didnt use any meds. I did super water changes EVERY day and removed the carbon from my filter. (some people think carbon dust causes HITH.... this is one of the most controversial and oddest cause I've heard... not sure if I agree, but I was taking EVERY precaussion and removed it just in case.)

I know this it is terrible to see your fish hurting, and losing them, and I'm so sorry you have to deal with this!! *hug* Lets hope we can help the survivors.

What are your water perameters? How often do you do Water Changes? What type of filter are you using? Do they look swollen from the top view? (like are their scales pineconed?) What is their diet?

Again, perhaps someone who knows this fish will have better adivce, but I have dealt with what sounds like the same disease, and my fishy is alive and well today.


AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
So you think this could be HITH?

Tank params are NO3: 10ppm, NO2: 0ppm, NH3: 0ppm, pH: 7.2, temp: 26degC

I usually do 15-20% water changes a week, but since this happening I've been doing 50-60% every other day and also tried doing double-strength doses of melafix every day as well. But it's obvious these are not simple "scrapes" that just need a bit of healing help.


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
Yes, I think it is HITH. A "gash" between the eyes is what HITH is. Can you get photos? We can better diagnose with pictures. How long has the tank been established? Did you change ANYTHING when this FIRST started? Food, filtration? Add a new fish? Change lighting? Did you change the filter cartridge? Add new decor? A new plant? New chemical to you rregualr waterchanges? Forget a waterchange one week??? You stated that you took out all the decor which may have stressed them, and stress is one of the many "causes" of HITH... Any extra info is good to know.

I would do daily WC's of 50% at least. Stop the every other day, and start doing it daily. You will be amazed at what extra clean water can do for a fish.

Do you dechlorinate your water or add any type of slime coat?


AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
It is the recommended dose:
When treating an advanced or chronic infection: add two teaspoonful (10 ml) of MelaFix for every 50 U.S. gallons (190 L) or ¼ cupful (60 ml) for every 300 U.S. gallons (1,1400 L) of pond water. Repeat dose daily for seven days. Treatment may be continued if necessary.
I only did it for a week but since it wasn't making any difference, I reverted to the usual 5ml/50gal.

Temp is usually 26degC as stated in previous post. But I had it higher until recently to try and help the healing process.


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
Lower the temp. Raising the temp can help things like Ich pass quicker with appropriate treatment, but with issues like HITH or cuts you dont want to mess with the water temp. It will increase the rate of infection or spreading and kill your fish quicker in this instance... good idea for the smaller issues, just not for this one!

Any info you can give me on my last post will help. Did you look up HITH on google for more info?


AC Members
Nov 17, 2007
I'm fairly busy right now and have to go out. When I come back I'll answer your questions. But when this first happened I did think of HITH - just none of the pictures I found looked anything like this.


*blub bubble*
Oct 3, 2008
Seattle, WA
OK. Whatever it may be, 50% DAILY water changes will help enormously. I don't treat my fish with chemicals unless 50% water changes daily do not help after 5 or so days, or the symptoms worsen. I have yet to loose a fish due to illness alone.

Is there gravel in your QT? (Yet another question, sorry) Try to get photos.