minimum size

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AC Moderators
Staff member
Feb 22, 2006
Considering there's 6 gallon nano tanks out there with 1 or 2 fish in them, I guess as small as you want to go. The thing is, the smaller the tank, the more you have to keep an eye on it. Water parameters can swing wildly in a small tank, whereas a larger tank is more stable. Smaller tanks can actually cost more on a per gallon basis than a larger system, so a small set-up is not necessarily a money saver and is definitely not a time saver. Smaller tanks require more everyday attention, even for the simpler things like topping off evaporated water.
How small are you thinking? Fish (both fw and sw) come from much larger areas than the aquariums we put them in. Sure, there's fish that only hang around in a few square meters of territory for the bulk of their lives, but how many of us actually have a tank that has a few square meters of area in it? Basically, you wouldn't want to spend your whole life living in your closet, so try not to keep any fish in a tank that's overly small.