Mollie fry?

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Sep 27, 2021
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So one of my mollies gave birth to about 30-35 new littles. I have them in a Zia’s easy breeder box at the moment. Only been 2 days in there so far. How long can I leave them in there until I can figure out what to do with them? Was debating getting another tank but not sure the size or how fast they grow? Was going to ask the lfs if they want some but not sure they will take them? Any insight?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
You have just gotten your first lesson in live bearer math. This should repeat itself a number of times in the coming month. You can expect to have 100s of fry in the not too distant future.

It can be difficult to impossible to sell the babies as fast as they are produced. The normal markup in stores on most imexpensive fish is between 200 and 300%. I have bought tetras for 35 cents each when I needed 50 to 75 by going in with a friend who buys wholesale and impoted. The latter is usually the cheapest but also requires buying in larger numbers. Prices are higher nnow than when I was buying in numbers.

What complicates this is the females can store the sperm from males and use it for multiple spawns. Fully grown adult females can drop over 100 fry at a shot. They can do this every 8 weeks and some say sooner.

Now for the good news. The adults will predate on the fry. So you can usually control the population by leaving the fry in the breeding tank.


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Sep 27, 2021
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I would have left them in the tank but the boss (wife) made me save the fry this time but I won the over all battle and it was decided that the others are on their own. Probably going to buy another 29/30 gal for the fry?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
If you have a fish club near you this could be your best way to get rid of excess mollies. I ran into a similar issue with my LF bristlenose plecos- they breed like rabbits (but nor like live bearers). in the end I sold all I had (about 65 or 70) at CatCon 2016. The woman who bought them did so for the store where she worked. I was glad to get rid of them at about $2 each and they were good size.

A 29 would work for a while. But the other problem with live bearer math is how soon after birth the kids can reproduce themselves. Here is what is stated on

Separate the males and the females. Once you know the gender of the mollies, you'll need to ensure more breeding doesn't take place. They will, in fact, breed between brothers and sisters. Try to separate the male and female fish before they are eight weeks old, which is when they reach sexual maturity.
My experience with livebearers was with swordtails and then mostly with the Montezuma sword. They have insanely long tails.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Can you have an all female tank? I thought the males would fight it out if all together?
I’m thinking about a 75 gallon for them all and then weeding out the sexes?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
All females will not stop reproduction unless you can nab them before their first impregnation. They can store sperm and then continue to give birth for a number of months.

Some folks claim female live bearers are born pregnant. They aren't but it seems that way,


AC Members
Sep 27, 2021
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Yeah I know that but I’m ok with letting those fry get eaten if it means they are likely to eventually stop?
I’m honestly confused on what to do. If I knew then what I know now I would have passed on livebearers!
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Well it is not all that bad if one knows what the reproductive cycle of the fish is before one gets them. I had no clue when I set up my first tank in Jan. 01, I thought the sword on the male looked neat and I got a pair. I was really excited when I saw the fist fry staring up at me through some floating plants. The reason I got my second tank was to grow out swords. And then I learned about live bearer math.

I soon changed tactics and added angels to the tank with the breeding swords. And i never moved the fry to the grow tank which was dedicated to new fish. Once i lost the pair and the fry were all eaten I switched to the Montezuma. I kept several strains of these for a number of years and then let them go.

As long as one is prepared for the nature of their reproduction, there is no reason not to keep them. Look at all the fancy guppy strains out there.

I think the biggest problem is that pet stores rarely explain livebearer math before allowing a new fish keeper to get them.