Monster kills teens

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Nov 27, 2010
SW Ohio
Her mother should be charged with child endangering for letting her under 14 year old drink that stuff.

I think this is the whole "guns don't kill people" argument.

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Heavy Weapons Guy
Mar 3, 2011
Stupid teens making stupid decisions whats new?

Back In my day the only way to get around prohobition was get your liqour from Juicer jim
If it aint moonshine its caffinated hooha

you can see what good outlawing liqour did made men like Capone
do the same to this stuff theyll find a way in


AC Members
Oct 22, 2010
Washington State
Her mother should be charged with child endangering for letting her under 14 year old drink that stuff.

I think this is the whole "guns don't kill people" argument.

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..what parent know what there teenage is drinking 24/7?...ok is the parent partly at fault yeah, but who says the parents were supplying her with it?.
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Nov 27, 2010
SW Ohio
..what parent know what there teenage is drinking 24/7?...ok is the parent partly at fault yeah, but who says the parents were supplying her with it?.
True, they may not have supplied her. I guess it just blows my mind that they would sue monster. No one forced her to drink it, and I can't imagine that they had no idea she was drinking it.

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AC Members
May 1, 2012
My Bat Cave somwhere in TX
Yea anybody can buy energy drinks so I'm sure the parents did not know how much of the stuff she was drinking. That stuff is bad and addictive i know this because i use to drink monster twice a day for years it almost made me sick so i had to stop drinking it but it was not easy. They need to pull that stuff off the shelf.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Lets get real here. You can not blame the parents. You can blame the companies that make and market the stuff. You can blame your legilators as there are no laws and regulations for energy drinks, so they can be sold to anyone with the money to pay- and this means children.

If you don't believe it send your 12 year old kid into a store with money to buy them. Don't have kids? Borrow them from somebody who does, with their permission, and try it.

I bought my first pack of cigarettes in the 1960s at the age of about 14, I had the money, there were no rules or laws and they sold them to me. Today 50 some years later this practice is illegal.

The NY Times Business Section had a long story on this topic today, you can see it here now but it may not remain readable over time- I am not sure.
But here are some quotes from it:

Several countries are reining in sales of energy drinks, pointing to the risks of excessive caffeine consumption by teenagers and even some adults. By year’s end, Canada will cap caffeine levels in products like Monster Energy, Red Bull and Rockstar. Also countries like Mexico, France and India have or are considering steps including taxing the drinks more heavily to discourage their use.
Agency officials, however, may soon face more pressure to regulate the products after the disclosure Monday that the agency had received reports of five deaths since 2009 that could be linked to Monster Energy, a top-seller. The drink’s manufacturer, Monster Beverage, disputed any suggestion that its products are unsafe.
In the United States, a report last year by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found that the annual number of emergency room visits in this country linked to energy drinks rose to over 12,000 in 2009, the latest year for which data is available. The figure represents a tenfold jump from the number of such visits reported in 2005.
While the Canadian Beverage Association, which represents energy drink makers like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, has endorsed the new rules there, , a sister trade group here, the American Beverage Association, that represents many of the same companies, said through a spokeswoman it will fight caffeine caps in this country.