my 450 gallon...the rise and fall

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i eat rats like you for breakfast!
Oct 10, 2007
long island, NY
this is my 450 gallon tank. it lasted about 8 months due to a bad seam. the manufacturer was not good at what he did. was nice while it lasted. right before the break, it was flourishing with 5 pairs of different colored sailfin mollies, tons more plants, catfish and siamese algae eaters along with what you see in the pics. didnt take pictures of it in the last 4 months until after the break.

this is the start when i first filled the tank. had 2 pieces of driftwood i found at my lake and bleached. i had 3 large sailfin plecos, some silver dollars, a small albino tiger oscar, and tinfoil barbs.

here are the tinfoils

the silver dollars

the dominant male sailfin

love the sail. here i planted some onion plants. the only thing my silver dollars wouldnt eat. they even ate my anubias and java fern!

took about 3 months for the wood to sink...

got a golden oscar

here is my little prochilodus...i still have him and now he is about 10 inches. in the pic he is 4-5 inches.

here i added a large albino female oscar and a male black tiger oscar. i had them in my 75 gallon for a while. i got rid of my small albino oscar since it was getting beat up.

another view

the tiger oscars paired up and started clearing off some slate for breeding.

the trio

got these 2 ropefish. they were around 16 inches each. one killed the other...bit out its eyes and all.

the silver dollars here are the size of a small dinner plate (5-7 inches long).

the sailfins

a yellow perch i caught and added to the tank

the seam busted and flooded my basement. thousands in damage and the house was not even two years old. i found out later the pet store dropped it once and claimed they told me ( because i would buy a broken tank) when they spoke to the insurance company. also found out the manufacturer had a lot of bad tanks and messed up. apparently, they didnt know what they were doing.

the gap in the seam

the force of it cracked the top

the darker area is where the damage was and where the water leaked out.

the stand got warped. i spent 3 months building it from scratch. costed a grand in lumber and was backbreaking. it was a 10 foot long solid piece. i staind it and all. had to chop it up at the end.

moral of the story...dont trust anyone and do careful homework.


Charlie Murphy!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 3, 2007
Orange County, CA
...Ouch! :jaw-dropping:


i eat rats like you for breakfast!
Oct 10, 2007
long island, NY
very careful with the 125. i have a 600 gallon tank but im not setting it up for a while.
the fish all lived in a 75 gallon for a few weeks until i gave them to friends or sold them off.
the large dominant male sailfin i keep by a friend. he is around 25 inches. we named him tiny. he is a crap factory, but what a sight!
i adopted the sailfins when they were 10 inches and about 1.5 years old from a woman keeping them in a 75 gallon tank. they almost doubled in size in a year. maybe it was the driftwood the always chewed on or the room they had. they always fought with each other and even the oscars knew not to mess. it was fun but i felt bad for the other sailfins so i found them new homes.


i eat rats like you for breakfast!
Oct 10, 2007
long island, NY
i was telling my girlfriend the night before it broke that it had never looked more amazing.... guess it never will. sad but a learning lesson. a water change on it lasted about 6 hours... such a pain. im gonna stick with my 125 for now.


AC Members
Nov 29, 2002
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about that.

Awsome looking while it lasted! I like the effect the paper had on the back!