My fish room

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Mar 29, 2005
Looking good!,

what is the size?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Like I said before I don't do saltwater but I saw your newest post & got caught up.

So back to my freshwater side, how are you corys doing? Those lazers look cool!

Could you please separate your fresh & salt tanks into different threads? I wish you luck with you salt fish but you know I only speak freshwater...& especially bottom fish ;) My favorites!

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Like I said before I don't do saltwater but I saw your newest post & got caught up.

So back to my freshwater side, how are you corys doing? Those lazers look cool!

Could you please separate your fresh & salt tanks into different threads? I wish you luck with you salt fish but you know I only speak freshwater...& especially bottom fish ;) My favorites!
Hi fishorama, thanks for the good wishes, to be honest I hadn't planned to make another freshwater thread but I think it's a good idea, I still haven't really thought about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it, speaking of FW, but I'm going to think it over. My corys are quite well, I lost a laser and my kubotai botia, also my diamond tetras and my corys aeneus are gone, they are in a friend's tank, all I can tell you is that I plan to keep more bottom fish, I have seen several plecos available that have caught my attention but at the moment there is not enough space for so many fish, as I said, I'm going to solve the way in which I'm going to order these fish, tetras and rainbowfish are also to my liking and I love them, but they need larger tank sizes and apart from M.boesemani, preacox and australis, I.werneri and Celebes rainbowfish, there are practically no other species available in Mexico.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
A week ago I had the fortune to acquire this Flagfin angelfish, a fish that I had always wanted, fortunately I was able to obtain it at a good price and it's in my quarantine system in the largest QT tank, I must say that this fish is a challenge for me since it's not easy to take care of, so far it only accepts a little mysis and flakes, which surprises me a lot because they generally do not accept it and less recently acclimatized, last Tuesday I did the first water change with the system I did, I loved the results everything was faster and easier and practically only a few drops of water on the floor, so no puddles on the floor thankfully.
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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Unfortunately my Flagfin angelfish died today, I came home from work and found him lying on the floor, for several days he was very nervous, I had to approach him cautiously to feed him because if he didn't get scared, and even so he fed quite well these last days , I'm discouraged because I put effort into this fish, there were no diseases, it did not die due to poor water quality, only the guy went crazy and jumped, last Friday he did it too but he fell into the water again and in shock, I thought he was done dead but after a couple of hours he recovered and started swimming normally, today it was not like that.
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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I'm working as time allows, to be honest I'm a bit discouraged after losing the flagfin angelfish, the same day it died my 200 gallon box of salt finally arrived, maybe I was waiting a couple of weeks for to arrive, anyway I managed to perform the corresponding water changes, now that is finished for now, I don't know when or what fish I will get next, this is a current view:

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I cleaned my sump a couple of weeks ago, however my nitrate levels are still quite high, I must do a more thorough cleaning and a bigger water change but careful not to affect the stability of the system, I also cleaned my skimmer and calibrate it again as it had been down for a while, this week I'll start working on the quarantine tanks, maybe I'll get something soon.
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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
About a year ago I put a deep sand bed in my sump, that's right I'm still old school, so yesterday morning I woke up to a cloudy tank and all the rocks covered in sand the glass holding the bed of sand expired, it's approximately 15 kg of sand and a layer of almost 6", unfortunately, when the glass expired, a large part of the sand fell into the return pump section and it was as if snow had fallen inside the tank. This topic it's worrying because the sand accumulates nitrogenous compounds in the lower part of the bed, but fortunately my fish are fine, very busy yesterday so today I'm going to relocate the sand and clean the sump, but that is not my biggest concern, I just remember that I glued the crystals that held the DSB myself, so that silicone was the same that I used to glue the downpipe, so there is a possibility that the silicone will fail there and drain my tank completely, that It would be a disaster that would make me lose the entire system, so I was thinking of a solution, since I also discovered a little water dripping little by little in an area of the polystyrene that is under the tank, and I don't know where it comes from, it seems that the tank has an expiration date or something similar.