My Fish Tanks (photos)

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Master Zero

AC Members
Sep 5, 2005
Well I just got a new digi-cam, so I thought I’d give you guys a glimpse of my tanks. Enjoy...

Here are my Angels...the other there in the top left are babies, while the one in the lower right corner is the biggest (about 3 inches). The baby leopard Angel is my favorite of them all.

Here, we have my sunken treasure chest which I have flipped side ways so I could take pictures of the Crayfishes hanging out. I have 10+ of them; they are great as a clean up crew. I also added another ten to my outdoor I am beginning to think it wasn’t such a good Idea. One of my neighbor’s kids found one walking on the sidewalk. They took it home and put it in a fish bow. They told me about it, so I let them keep it; I also told them how to care for it. I let them know that if for some reason they don’t want it anymore, then just throw in back in...

This is my Sliver Arowana, cruising about like always...I don’t think I have ever seen him/her steady. Always on the move...I feed this guy freeze-dried Krill, crickets, and the occasional feeder (when he/she catches them).

This is my Tiger Oscar; maybe I should call him The Boss. He has a very interesting personality. It will chase any big fish in the tank, but it has yet to attack, chase my baby Angels; which I am happy about of course...this guy will eat about one Crayfish per day, if it does not have anything else to eat, or whenever it feels like it, Other then that, I feed him Minnows. When I first got him/her, I did not think it would last very long. This Oscar went the first one or two months without eating anything! It’s started to lose weight and became very pale...which he/she has started to recover from.

And here is my pride and enjoy...well both of them. The smallest one is about 6 ½ inches, while the bigger one is very close to 9 inches...making him/her my biggest catch thus far. What I great way for me to end my summer! They used to hide a lot in the sunken treasure chest when it was right side up. I flipped it to be able to photograph them. The smaller one was always active from the very start. The big one started to become active after I added a background to my tank to stop the sunlight from coming through. I finally got to see them feed; at lights out...I also got to see the famous bass yawn…from my Smallmouth Bass. The first day I got them, the tank was cleared of all Crayfish and Minnows by morning (they must have been hungry)…now I rarely see a missing Crayfish…only less and less Minnows. Hopefully, and with any luck they will start to eat crickets from the surface...trying to give them their natural prey. I am planning on keeping them outdoors in my pond every summer (cause my goldfishes got fat living out there, maybe they will too), and bringing them back in for the winter so I can enjoy them. I will be upgrading them to a 300 gallon tank by this time next year.

This is a school of Minnows or Minnows schooling...which ever you prefer. The big silver fish is an adult Minnow (fathead).

This is my Wolf Fish (a.k.a Lone Wolf)...need I say more...? This Predatory fish is supposed to be somewhat nocturnal, but seems to hunt at any given time...guess whenever hunger strikes. The Wolf Fish is rather peaceful, and relocates at any sight of trouble (Oscar).

I also have a black and black/white (suppose to be pure white according to legends) Koi in there for good luck. There will soon be transferred to the pond.

So when everyone is upgraded to either pond or 300 gallon tank, you’re probably wondering what will happen to my current 125 gallon tank right…it’s will go to my school of six Piranhas and one Pacu (then he too will be upgraded).

I could not get a good picture because the tank is very cloudy at the moment.


Jun 23, 2007
Aussie Land
nice tanks!
dude i love ur piranha, aro, and ur oscar.,.
is the oscar in with the angles?
wouldnt he eat em?
whats size tanks are they?

Master Zero

AC Members
Sep 5, 2005
Thank you, and I raised everyone (not from fry state, but the smallest the stores are allowed to sale them), except the Oscar and the Smallmouth Bass (I recently caught them).

Everyone is in the same tank except the six Piranhas and Pacu...they are way too small and would probably become lunch if there were in there.

Master Zero

AC Members
Sep 5, 2005
Thank you!

The Oscar bullies every big fish, eats Minnows, crushes Crayfish, but has yet to bother my Angels...I consider myself lucky...maybe it’s the luck of the Koi. The tank size is 125 gallons.

Master Zero

AC Members
Sep 5, 2005
Thank you!


AC Members
Apr 8, 2006
The tank looks nice but....I hope you are planning an upgrade in the very near future.I know you mentioned a 300. I would make it sooner then later. (The sooner the better for the sake of all those fish). Most of those fish are too big for a 125.


Master Zero

AC Members
Sep 5, 2005
Thank you, but I also took their growth rate into consideration. The Smallmouth Bass can always find sanctuary in my outdoor pond if it starts acting claustrophobic. And as a cold water fish, it will do find during the winter months ahead. The Sliver Arowana is around 8 inches and has a slow growth I am not worried, but I do realize the risks...and I do keep a constant eye on the tank because of those risks. I think they should be ok for another year if all goes as I have predicted, but I should have it within six months...