Need advice re betta and euthanasia

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AC Members
Jan 1, 2009
I think my old boy Bob is going. He had a huge algae bloom in his bowl last Fri - gills red and raw. Since then, he's only been able to hang perpendicular to the water or swim a little. When he didn't resume swimming after 48 hrs., I got him some Maracyn-2. He's been on it 3 days - no improvement. In fact, he's worse - swimming in corkscrews, can't figure out which way is up, thin, discolored.

I want to give him every chance, but I'm not sure how much longer to leave him like this. He can barely get up to the water's surface to breathe. I've got the clove oil and vodka on hand, but wanted to ask first for advice about how long it takes Maracyn-2 to work (if it's bacterial) - or failing that, whether a 3-year old has much chance of recovering from what looks to me like a ruptured swim bladder.

In my gut, I think he's suffering, and I doubt he'll recover. I guess I'm hoping someone will tell me otherwise.


AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
I think normally if it's helping you notice a difference within 48 hours. Usually if working they look like they feel better at least a bit.

I don't know what to tell you. I'm so very sorry he's not doing well. It does sound like he's maybe on his way out.

If he's three years old it may be that his age is a strike against him in dealing with an infection. I believe I, personally, would euthanise, but you have to make that decision. Swimming in spirals and having a hard time coming to the surface, I think indicates too much of a struggle to me.

Maybe someone else with more experience will come along to offer other advice. I truly believe in giving a sick fish a chance to recover, but I also have a problem with a fish that looks like he's suffering.

I know you'll make the right decision for you and your sweet old boy, whatever it is... it will be the right decision because you truly care for him and you're trying to do what you can for him.

I'm so very sorry that your poor little boy is sick.
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this is bat country
May 9, 2008
outback, NY
Real Name
I. P. Daily
Sorry about Bob. It sounds like he had a good life with someone who loved him. It can be tough to see a pet go, but you did the best you could for him.


AC Members
Jan 1, 2009
And thanks so much, Melody. What you said helped me feel better about the decision I pretty much knew I had to make. Thanks for taking the time to say it.


AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
Please.... you are so welcome... I wish so much that I could have done more to help. I'm so grateful if I was able to help in some way.

Please know that though it hurt you to do it, you did a kind and loving thing for your little friend. It took courage, and strength, and it was at a sacrifice of yourself.

I'm so very sorry for your loss and for your sadness.


Feb 8, 2009
Victoria, B.C. Canada
I'm sorry about the loss of your fish. I know how hard it can be to euthanise a buddy. I can't help but think that you did the right thing. At our home, we've only had to do this one time. We buried it in the Sweet Pea patch. The Sweet Peas are now seven feet tall, and growing. I would like to think that it's all about good intentions.