Neon tera

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Jan 31, 2003
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Just wanted to say I purchased 6 more neons & only lost 1. It has been
about 2 weeks, PH is about 7.4. Actually all 30 fish are fine. The tank is
clear & looks great,things are going well so far. Thanks for all the help.
The tank is now about 4 1/2 monthes old. These are the fish we have:
2 Playco
5 male guppies
6 neon tetra
3 head 7 tail lights
2 red velvet swordtails
3 sunburst playties
5 zebra danio
4 tetra


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With all the responses to Marion's "neon tetras" thread a couple of weeks ago, and the "pH issues" thread back in January, I was disappointed again not to hear even what the alkalinity ("KH" or carbonate hardness) of that well water is. But it's nice to hear that things are going better somehow.

At any rate, the pH of 7.8 has gone down, it seems. That's due to the "bio-acidification" that comes as a result of nitrifying bacteria oxidizing ammonia, and of the carbon dioxide respired by all those fish...

Marion doesn't realize that you guys don't remember that this is a 55-gallon tank started in December. The tank has experienced a long sequence of fish deaths up until now. How swiftly we forget.

I speak on behalf of Marion, who has a tendency to post once, eliciting lots of responses, but never reply...

...leaving us hanging, but consumed with curiosity...