Neon Tetra Aggressive in 10 gallon tank

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Jan 2, 2023
Okay I created a monster in myself.. I bought a betta then decided to upgrade to a ten gallon and get neon tetras. My beta didn’t do well, I moved him back to his 5 gallon tank and well as a newbie I went through a lot of neons, learned all about cycling the hard way. Side note: why didn’t the pet store tell me this.. it was heart breaking.. my tank is now cycled and one of my original neons (after ick losing its fins) survived and grew all her fins and tails back, I’ve repopulated the tank with neons but now I have two aggressive males covering each end of the tank. I’ve tried everything from breaking the visibility with plants etc.. even did a time out in a little breeder box. I believe I need a 20 gallon. I think that will resolve the aggressiveness.. I have a fulval 30 filter and I have changed the filter or media yet it will handle a 20 gallon tank.. can I just move them into a larger tank (moving everything)