NEW specs for my African clan, whatcha think?

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Sep 13, 2000
Manteca, CA, USA
Hi all,
Well, I am about to burst with anticipation cause I am going to
be setting up my new home for my clan of African cichlids in a
couple of, the old 80 with the fluval 304 will be history,
see classifieds if interested, thanks.
The new...was going to get a 150, but settled for a 135 all glass
with overflows built in with very nice cherry canopy and stand.
I am going with the Tidepool II by Marineland, with a Rio 2800 S.S
aqua powerhead, over 600 gph....woo hoo, and also keeping my
twin "emperor" 280's, I just love em, for over 1100 total gph.
That should be plenty of filtration, oh yea!
I will be adding over 40 lbs. more crushed coral to what I already have in the old tank, and bought 4 really large pieces of "tufa"
rock 70 lbs. to the 160 lbs. I already have. Should make the home
quite cozy for the clan...which I am thinking of thinning out and going with 4 or 5 species of 8 to 10 each. I will be keeping my
crabros, aka bumblebees, and my kawanga gold now
have been thinking about a few more types to add to the mix....
perhaps, an electric blue hap, and not sure what else yet...any ideas?
Also anyone have experience with the tidepool wet/dry's?
Well that about does it for now, let me know what ya all think, thanks, FG.