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AC Members
Jul 9, 2009
I posted in the coldwater forum earlier because that is all I know as I have goldies.
My BIL on saturday gave my kids a frog-o-sphere. Horrible little box with two tiny adf's and a snail. Knowing better I ran out and got a 5 gal tank yesterday and the little guys are much happier. Right now it just a potted plant from my goldie tank, and I potted the bamboo from from the coffin so it is barebottom right now.

The thing is I don't like the filter that came with the tank and want to get something gentler for them. Would a sponge filter with an air pump be a good choice?
They came in this
And have been living in it since Christmas, my mom mentioned it around that time that my niece didn't like the frogs.
This is a few pics I have taken after they got their new home.

DSC01287.JPG DSC01286.JPG DSC01267.JPG


AC Members
Mar 28, 2007
Welcome to the world of ADFs, they are great little fellers to have around.

Yeah, the frogosphere sucks. But a five gallon tank will be great for them. I have two in a five gallon hex tank from Marina. They are living well and can handle a decent current. The power filter provides a decent current, and I also have a stone wall I constructed with an airstone underneath it. It essentially makes it a big sponge filter. I'd hate to see all of the gunk it's pulled into it over the past year or two.

The frogs have no problem fighting the current. As a matter of fact, they sometimes like to hang out near the filter intake or in the bubbles from the airstone. The good news is, a small HOB for your tank or a sponge filter would both be appropriate. The thing to remember though is they need a good environment, which includes places to hide. If they don't have someplace they can feel safe, they'll get stressed and possibly die. They aren't so happy with living in a bare(ish) tank.

I have a sand substrate they seem to do well with. They should also be good with gravel or stones. Mine get along well with peaceful fish and some ghost shrimp and various snails. I also have several plants in there that they seem to like climbing on.


AC Members
Jul 9, 2009
I plan on upgrading their home. I just had to get something because I couldn't bear to see them in that little box any longer.
The reason I think the filter may be to strong is that last night one would try to swim to the other side and about the 3 stride he would be under where the filter puts out the water and he would be pushed back and then he would try again. He did eventually get to the other side and then he swam up the surface then across again, swam across the water coming out the filter was pushed all the way to the bottom and into the corner.

We ran out yesterday to the LFS, and firstly the people there had no clue what an ADF was, then when they didn't have the right size I just left and completely forgot get all the other stuff I needed (place to hide, new filters for my goldies, etc).

I have a 1/2 bag of gravel left over from my goldfish set up would that be okay or should I consider larger stones that they won't try to eat?


AC Members
Mar 28, 2007
If the filter intake screen is round, you have a couple of options. At Petsmart they sell a little round filter intake cover sponge that might fit it. I think it's from the fluval brand, but I'm not sure. If not, but a box of aquaclear 30 size foam replacement blocks for their HOB filters. Take a pair of scissors and cut a square a little bigger than your filter intake (I guess about twice as large). On the top, use your scissors to cut down into the block about half it's length, or enough to cover the intake screen. Make the cut in an "X" shape. Then use your finger to kind of stretch it open and rip any stray pieces of sponge that didn't cut. Slide this over your filter intake and you have an instant foam prefilter that will help your mechanical and biological filter, and also slow the flow of water through your filter somewhat (the flow will be just a little slower at first, but will slow more as the foam collects waste). This should give you a slightly slower current without sacrificing any space in your tank for a sponge filter.


AC Members
Mar 28, 2007
That's the one! It looks like it should slip right over most smaller filter intakes. I made my own before I knew they carried that one. The sponge I bought is a lot courser, so it doesn't cut the current by a tremendous margin, until it gets really filled wtih gunk. This one should cut the amount of water going in a lot more.


AC Members
Mar 28, 2007
Incidentally, when I brought my frogs home from petsmart, one lept from the net and onto my desk. It made it to the floor before I could grab it and I found it 12 feet down the hall a few minutes later. No harm done though.