Petsmart and its "BIG SALES"!! (a true story!!) :P

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AC Members
Apr 19, 2009
Just sharing my experience with you.
Last week went to petsmart and as always I had to stop by the fish section. As soon as I got there I saw that they have the cardinal tetras for a dollar!!! Of course they didnt have any so I ask when will they get more. The lady kindly told me that they get their shippements of fishes on Thursdays and that by noon they would have them out. Today I went and they didnt have them out so I asked again and they told me that in about an hour the fishes would be out. Since I wanted to get a whole bunch of them and didnt want anybody beat me to get them I waited in the store looking here and there. They started to get the bags of fishes out of the totes. I waited and waited... and waited. I keep walking around the store because I didnt want to look like a weido standing there for 40 min.(Im pretty sure I looked like one, lol). When I saw that they were done getting the fishes out I walked anxiously to get my 50 CARDINAL TETRA!!! and I see a HUGE bag with only 5!!!! Oh my goodness that was funny!! They have a big sale and just ordered 5?!?!? I just walked slowly to the door (didnt want to draw attention to the guy that waited for soooo long and didnt get anything, hahaha). I'll wait for the next time. May be then they will have at least 15.
Any of you had have an experience like mine?


AC Members
Jan 10, 2012
funny you say that last Saturday same thing happened to me saw dollar sale tag on tag but no fish where im located their shipments com in on Tuesday stop by at my lunch break there was only a few in the tank did the same and left.


AC Members
Mar 5, 2009
Gloucester city, NJ
When I use to work there we where able to order for larger amounts if it was requested. The only problem was you had to be there when they were brought out to get them. Since we had people who use to order 20-30 of the tetras and would never come back :-/. So ask an employee who works in their fish area. Then again my store could of just been to nice as well.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Ask for a raincheck & talk to them about how many you want. You may need a manager's help as they "don't give rainchecks on livestock" but they can if you ask nice & are willing to wait around. Some have an auto reordering process so if say 10 is the "usual" they'll only get enough to get back to 10 after they sell some.


AC Members
Jan 2, 2012
Northern VA
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I wouldn't get cardinals from petsmart that just got released from the bag or from any place for that matter. They may not even make the trip back home.


AC Members
Jul 8, 2004
Yeadon, Pennsylvania USA
Real Name
Jeffrey Smith
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Olympus FE-370; Sony HDR-CX580
When crap like that happens make them understand that you are the consumer and your hard earned dollar is powerful. Next time put them on the spot. Ask for the manager, tell him that you were there to buy 50 of whatever and they only have 5. Advised him that you want those 5 and are willing to pay for the other 45 and for them to call you when they arrive. That is bull crap the way we in america allow stores to prey and insult us.


AC Members
Dec 29, 2011
Take your business elsewhere unless they are the only store in a small town. In that case you, like me, are in for a lot of disappointments by their attitude. Chain fish stores are not apologetic or even understanding. Not locally owned, they could care less about customer relations.

I live in a small town that has 3 small fish stores that carry scant stock of fish and scarcer stock of equipment. The web has become my friend. The stores just get lonelier .

Today everything comes with attitude and from a Chinese factory made from metal that turns out to be aluminum foil. I had two instances of light fixture from Big Box this week bought for my aquarium. They had reflector hoods that could not be put into the plastic bag without bending the aluminum foil. One style dropped the bulb out complete with the threaded metal screw-in.


Registered Member
Jan 21, 2012
Funny they'd get only 5, considering that it's schooling fish and there should be that many (or more) in just one person's aquarium.


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
I just hope you were prepared to quarantine them! I know $1 is a great price, but out of 50 fish you know one is bound to have problems. If you are still planning to buy that many, do be sure and talk to management - this counts as a special order in anyone's book. Cardinals are among the first to sell out on $1 sales, if nothing else because they are among the most expensive of the tetras.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Always be polite & ask what they can do to make it right. Quarantine, whether chain or awesome indy, should be manditory...but you should know that!