pop-eye EBJD

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AC Members
Sep 12, 2005
Benton, IL
My ebjd had popeye over a month back. The problem is his eyes are still popped out even though he seems to be fine. Are the eyes stuck out for good? Is there some other way I am suppose to treat him to help him heal? I have never had a fish with popeye before.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2005
Benton, IL
I don't think he is stunted.
He is a year old and he got sick from Petsmart.
I picked up a nice piece of drift wood from one of their tanks. After it was in my tank for 3 or 4 days my fish got sick. Turned out the wood was hollow and filled with worms. I treated the fish and he recovered except his eyes are still popped out. It looks like the sacks in front of his eyes are filled with fluid.
Any ideas?


AC Members
Sep 20, 2007
NE Ohio
If you wish to try here is a suggestion. I have not done this but others have been successful.

1. First step on treating him before we introduce medication is Salt baths. Simply purchase AQUARIUM salt at any local fish store you have they always have it and its cheap. API makes it as well. Next get your 10gallon tank ready fill it hald way with water. Next get a bucket of water treated with a good water conditioner like Prime. Dose the water in the bucket and wait 10 mins for the water conditioner to soak into the water. Once thats done get 2 and a half cups of Aquarium salt and let it dosolve in the bucket of treated water. You will have to stir it a couple of times. Next pour it into the 10gal tank and net your fish and drop him in there. Let him bathe in it for 5-10 mins. If he looks stressed and starts to jitter or spaz then remove him immedaitely. Do this every day for 3 days.

On the fourth day observe him to see if he's gotten better. If his condition has improved then stop with the salt baths and give him frequent water changes with a good water conditioner. Frequent meaning everyday 10% water change. Also dose 1tsp of salt after the water change.

If his condition HASNT improved in any way then its time for medication.

You will need to purchase "Maracyn II." You can get this at any LFS even petsmart. Next setup a nice home for 5 days in your 10gal QT. The maracyn II has pre-dosed packets so its a no brainer. Simply on the first day Add 2 packets of maracyn II to the tank (Per 10 gallons). Second through 5th day, add the contents of 1 packet per 10 gallons of water. Treat for a full 5 days even if he shows signs of improvement! This will help his pop-eye.


AC Members
Sep 12, 2005
Benton, IL
Thanks Leviathan64 for taking the time to type out such a detailed answer.

hmmm. I'm a bit confused. I treated him with the maracyn 11 and other medication already. Come to think of it he must have taken ill over 7 weeks ago. the 1st few weeks I treated him. I can only assume at this point the parisite is dead. Because the popeye came on fast. After the drift wood was added a few days later his eyes were popped out and haven't gone back. If he was still infected he should be blind or dead by now.

I guess my questions are.
1. Will the salt bath heal him?
2. Do fish eyes go back in after popeye or is there permanent tissue damage?


Cichlid Specialist
Apr 27, 2006
New Mexico USA
Real Name
Salt baths are very beneficial to bacterial infections and work very quickly. Popeye can usually be corrected I have only had two fish with it and they have healed up and are back to normal. I may be wrong but I think I read about others having an eye protursion problem with their EBJD's. I think I remember them saying that they will grow back in to their eyes. Is the eye hazy like grey or filmy?
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AC Members
Sep 12, 2005
Benton, IL
Yes the eyes are filmy.
I will try the salt. What your and akapaul are saying makes sense.

Oh, I retract the comment about Petsmarts driftwood. It was Petco. I have always been pleased with petsmarts products.