Puffer too thin?

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AC Members
Mar 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Tank Specs: 55 gallon, ammonia/nitrites:0, nitrates: ~5ppm, 80F,
SG ~1.005-1.007
Inhabitants: 2 Figure-8 Puffers (approx. 2" from beak to tail), 3 bumble bee gobies and 1 violet goby (aka "dragon goby")

In accordance to the images attached (figured it'd be easier than trying to put into words):

- Their home, aragonite sand, 2 filters (turning at a rate of approximately 650 gallons per hour), bubble wall and plastic plants (oh, don't forget the rock leaned against the glass for the dragon! =)

2 + 3 - One of the puffers - does he seem a little thin? In comparison to the other puffer, he's much skinnier. He eats like a little pig, and as you can see in the fourth image, his poops are gigantic (or is that normal)? He will eat until his belly is rounded, and then about an hour or so later, his stomach is flat as a pancake, sometimes concaved in. His colors seem much more faded and dull compared to the other guy. He always seems to appear in the morning with a brand new scuff on his body. I don't know how that happens. I, from what I can observe, have never seen him rub against rocks or plants. Despite the shrunken stomach and random scuff marks, he's very active, swimming around the tank, occasionally cruising the glass, chasing the other guy because he can, and so on. I introduced them into a fully cycled tank. Maybe it's internal parasites? I've been soaking their food in Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX by Aquarium Products, which contains Praziquantel, Flubenol and Metronidazole. It's been about a week since I've been feeding them that stuff, and now I'm just completely stumped. Are there any sure-tell signs of internal parasites? Any thoughts?

4 - His poops that seem to pass too fast - within the hour that he has eaten. Sometimes he'll eat, then his stomach will go flat, and when he seems like he has nothing to poop from, he's pooping until his stomach is actually concaved in. I JUST took the images that I have attached on here now, and he's already pooped twice while typing this. I will see if I can't get a photo of what his stomach looks like after he's done. He seems like he's wasting away and I want to help this poor little fella.

5 - The other puffer (he's got a big waistline and isn't ashamed of it! We call him "Big Mac")

6 - For fun, the dragon goby out from under his rock, to on top of his rock! This guy loves to shake up up a sandstorm!

Otherwise - for reference, I feed the puffers a WIDE variety of foods - all frozen then thawed, then soaked with Gel-Tek.
Ranging from bloodworms (main staple of their diet), snails (as big as they can fit in their mouths - pond ones, not the MTS), plankton, brine shrimp, krill, etc.
For the dragon, tube-fed bloodworms, krill, plankton, half an algae wafer every two days.
Bumble bees, mysis, bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc.

Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions would be very helpful.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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AC Members
Mar 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
It's been about 20 minutes since I've posted previously. I wanted to show you what I mean by when I ask "how can he be pooping from nothing?"

Comparing the two pictures:
1 - 20 minutes ago (after he pooped while I was writing that last post)
2 - Just taken now (he's STILL pooping......)
3 - Another view....it's rather sickening to look at that.
4 - And having this guy swim next to the skinny one makes him seem like he has an eating disorder!

Poor thing.....

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AC Members
Jan 2, 2008
His poop looks normal to me, thats what my GSPs poop looks like but that seems awfully fast time for passing. Usually their belly should stay nice a big for a day or so. I would say its internal parasites which I read you are treating for. Have you seen him pass anything white and stringy? That is usually a sign of ips and another sign is stomach getting concave fast. After treatment you should see him pass a bunch of worms which you might see on the gravel afterwards, which should be vacuumed up.

Here is an article about internal parasites in puffers, http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/library/hospital/internal-parasites-prevention-and-treatment/


AC Members
Mar 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Hey Spock -

Thanks so much for the article regarding the internal parasites. I found it to be extremely helpful!

Attached is a photo I JUST took of the little guy's poop. Anyone's suggestion is greatly appreciated! Internal parasite, no?



AC Members
Jan 2, 2008
I really don't know. Was the last thing he ate bloodworms because to me that look like part of a bloodworm, you know the ones that aren't plump...

You get some good pictures of poop though!

Hopefully someone else will chime in...


AC Members
Mar 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Ehhh, come to think of it. I think you're right and I'm just getting overly-observant. =P

Hehe - I should become a professional fish poop photographer, eh?


AC Members
Mar 22, 2002
Real Name
Pretty cool pic! What photo option did you use for that?

I'd go ahead & treat for IPs.


We Play Well With Others
Dec 26, 2007
Sweet pic I agree. You should send that one on over to National Geo.... But yea internal parasites.


AC Members
Mar 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Haha - funny that you mention the photo. Ironically, I am a professional photographer and imaging specialist. So, the photo was actually made by me. =P

I have been treating them with Gel-Tek. I thaw out his food and soak it with the meds - I don't think they'd eat the drops otherwise. Perhaps it takes some time for he's still buzzing around the tank like he normally does and eats like a little hungry piggy. I've been treating him with Gel-Tek for the last oh, 5 days or so. So far, actually, he seems to have fatten up a little bit. Not so much that one could say "Oh, look! He gained weight!" but enough that I can tell. I will keep treating and see how it goes.

Thanks for the inputs, folks!