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AC Members
Oct 15, 2020
Needing to add some fish. My BN pleco has gone nuts and started attacking my Sterbai Corys. I am down to 2. Going to trade him out for 2 juvenile BN plecos and restock my Sterbais and need some more Harlequin Rasboras. Was going to buy a 10 gal tank, small heater and use a sponge filter from current tank. My question is on the actual quarantine process. Do you medicate just because? Do you just wait to see if anything is wrong before medicating? Do you do water changes over the 2 weeks? Anything else?


Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
Real Name
I quarantine new fish for at least 6 weeks, either in a separate tank or tote with filter and a heater if needed. I don't medicate unless an issue comes up within that time frame. Water changes weekly as normal unless the tank isn't cycled, I definitely test for ammonia and nitrite during this process.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I do what dudley does but only for 4 weeks of health. Each species really should have its own QT period...unless they from tanks on the same lfs filtration system. The only time I treat "just because" is with my wild caught loaches for internal parasites. Keep a very close eye on new fish. White spots of course, ich is common. But also frayed fins that get worse, white patches on the body, whitish/clear poop or red worms sticking out of the vent (hard to see & hard to treat)

Remind us again, railer, about your tank, it's been a while. BNs, especially males, each want their own cave area so have a few. Corys really just don't understand/respect territories. They just bumble around looking for food (including eggs or small fry). I would be careful of getting 2 bns; a pair & you might be overrun with fry. That might sound fun but isn't after the first time or 2. 1 is a safer option...
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AC Members
Oct 15, 2020
I do what dudley does but only for 4 weeks of health. Each species really should have its own QT period...unless they from tanks on the same lfs filtration system. The only time I treat "just because" is with my wild caught loaches for internal parasites. Keep a very close eye on new fish. White spots of course, ich is common. But also frayed fins that get worse, white patches on the body, whitish/clear poop or red worms sticking out of the vent (hard to see & hard to treat)

Remind us again, railer, about your tank, it's been a while. BNs, especially males, each want their own cave area so have a few. Corys really just don't understand/respect territories. They just bumble around looking for food (including eggs or small fry). I would be careful of getting 2 bns; a pair & you might be overrun with fry. That might sound fun but isn't after the first time or 2. 1 is a safer option...
It has been a while! I have a 55 gallon corner tank which is currently houses 2 angels, 3 Pearl Gouramis, 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 2 Sterbais, 1 male BN and 1 clown pleco. I want to add 6 more Sterbai and 6 more Harlequins. I had a mating pair of BN but the female passed (pretty sure he tortured her after around the 3rd litter (no survivors). I did change out from gravel to sand a while back. Still no live plants :)


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, now I remember your corner tank! How's that working with the angels & pearl gouramis? I think some of us were concerned about that combo in an "odd" tank shape...

I would get more than 6 harlequins, say 8 or 10 more. You might need to grow them up a bit in your QT...so maybe get the corys first, 6 or 8. Try adding another cave or 2.

Plants, come on railer! :D Get at least a java fern or anubias to try. Both come in several leaf shapes are practically foolproof. Neither is planted in the substrate but attached to wood or rocks with sewing thread or super glue gel or even stuffed into a crevice. No ferts, almost any light...it's time for some live greenery!

OK, I'll nag some more later on plants. But big kudos on having a QT, this is a MAJOR step in keeping fish healthy long term 👍


AC Members
Oct 15, 2020
Oh, now I remember your corner tank! How's that working with the angels & pearl gouramis? I think some of us were concerned about that combo in an "odd" tank shape...

I would get more than 6 harlequins, say 8 or 10 more. You might need to grow them up a bit in your QT...so maybe get the corys first, 6 or 8. Try adding another cave or 2.

Plants, come on railer! :D Get at least a java fern or anubias to try. Both come in several leaf shapes are practically foolproof. Neither is planted in the substrate but attached to wood or rocks with sewing thread or super glue gel or even stuffed into a crevice. No ferts, almost any light...it's time for some live greenery!

OK, I'll nag some more later on plants. But big kudos on having a QT, this is a MAJOR step in keeping fish healthy long term 👍
No issues at all with those angels and pearls! I wondered about the size of the new harlequins. How long would you think I would need to keep them separate? I have a couple of those fake rocks with the hole/cave through them but none of the corys or plecos go in there. The pleco hangs out under the sponge filter.


Mar 29, 2005
OK, I'll nag some more later on plants.

I will concur though, unless you have fish that will eat the plants, they are a great way to keep water parameters safer for the fish, they look better than fake decorations and more natural vans they will get all their needed nutrition from fish waste or water changes.

Add bolbitis to the list as well..


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
railer, it will depend on how small the rasboras are. The 1s I usually see aren't tiny, they may be fine if just a bit smaller than your adults. Not angel bite sized...I'm glad your fish combo worked.

Bns (mostly males) like a shady cave down by the substrate. Some of those holed rocks are just for pretty (but they'd make a nice place for attaching plants, lol).
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AC Members
Oct 15, 2020
railer, it will depend on how small the rasboras are. The 1s I usually see aren't tiny, they may be fine if just a bit smaller than your adults. Not angel bite sized...I'm glad your fish combo worked.

Bns (mostly males) like a shady cave down by the substrate. Some of those holed rocks are just for pretty (but they'd make a nice place for attaching plants, lol).
would something like this be better for the plecos? It is 5” x 2” x 2”



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Yes, but you could also look at real wood too. Some plecos need or at least like wood to graze on. BNs are a bit iffy in that way; some say they "need" wood. Or do a combo of wood & the ceramic tube, give it a choice. Might be hard to break his sponge filter hiding habit...