Question about chems and maintenance?

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Sep 27, 2021
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I have a question about the products I put in my tanks. I use prime, fluval red bio booster for water changes. Aquarium co-ops easy green, iron and carbon for my planted tanks.

I was thinking of switching to api stress coat & stress zyme since I can get them online auto ship. Do I switch or just stick with what I’m using?

aquarium co-op has friTy zyme and complete water conditioner as well?
Not sure what to do? Insight?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
As a rule, the less you add to the water, the better. This does not mean everything is bad by any means. It means you should only be adding what you actually need as opposed to what a manufacturer tells you that you need.

I have excellent well water and I add nothing to it for most of my fish. Even though I do not need dechlor for my tanks, I keep some Prime and Amquel on hand. I use it after bleach dipping plants or when I travel to weekend fish events where I will need to dechlor hotel water. However, I have live plants in some tanks and plants need fertilizers. So I add some of these because the water out of the tap and the fish don't supply all of what the plants need.

I have a tank for Altum angels which need acid water. So I use RO/DI water, some muriatic acid and a few botanicals to provide what is needed.

I do not like any product which claims to help the slime coat of fish. I especially do not want aloe vera in my water. I also know that most of nitrifying bacterial additives do not contain the proper strains of bacteria that persist in tanks long term. I know Prime contains something to "help" with the slime coat but at least it isn't aloe vera.

My decisions are based in the science I have read on the various topics at work.

I would not put the Fluval product in any of my tanks ir it were free and even iof they offered to pay me to use it. There is 0 need for this product and I know it does not contain Nitrodpsira bacteria which are needed in tanks. Water changes do not deplete the nitrifying bacteria.

Stress Coat contains aloe vera. Therefore, it is on my never use this product list. You must decide about Aloe Vera for yourself.

I do not see the need for Stresszyme or any similar product. My tanks work great and have for 21 years without ever using this sort of additive.

As for ferts., there are a lot of choices. I have used Tropica prodducts for almost 20 years now and have been very happy with them. I have tried dry ferts and i do use some of the SeaChem individual ferts in bigger tanks. These are a pridier options but the convenience makes them worth it for me. Planted tanks are something one needs to work out the fertilizing routine over time. Every tank is unique and it is a question of figuring out what the plants one has need to keep them thriving.

Finally, as far as I know most of the big online suppliers offer autoship on all their products. If what you have is working why change?
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Sep 27, 2021
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Thanks for the Insight! I wasn’t sure about aloe vera and when I looked up one API product it said it works best with the other so I’m guessing it’s just a sales pitch. I’m going to stick with what I’ve been using, just wanted to make sure I was heading in the right direction. I’ll cut back on the fluval red and see how it goes. Thanks again!


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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I agree with 2tank on not needing bio booster, stress coat or stress zyme. I use Prime dechlor since I have chloramine treated water. We used to use sodium thiosulphate when we had chlorine only treated water. It's less expensive than Prime but is much slower to break the ammonia/chlorine bond. I buy into the idea of Prime keeping the ammonia in a safer form until plants & bacteria deal with it.

I very lame at fertilizing, mostly I use root tabs for the easy plants I grow. Are you talking about using carbon in the filter (the stuff that looks like charcoal)? I only use that if I need to remove meds. Or maybe you mean the co2 "substitute" additive like Excel? I use it after water changes to try to deal with 1 tank with chronic black beard algae. Some plants like valisneria & elodea hate do some people, it's also a strong medical disinfectant at much much higher dosing. I've never seen fish adversely effected at "normal tank dosage" but...


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Sep 27, 2021
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I use “Easy Carbon” from aquarium co-op since I don’t use co2 in my planted tanks. I’ve only had to use it in my main cause I had a huge algae outbreak since I messed up my lighting schedule and over dosed my tank with root tabs and liquid ferts. My 9 gal is fine with root tabs and liquid iron. My 3rd 20 gal has fake plants in it but I had to put in a uv light since the misses over feeds and the excess get shuffled under my sand during cleanings..


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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
What all plants are you trying to grow? Not all need heavy ferts, high light or "artificial co2" or co2 in any form... I'm not a high light/co2 woman but others go "there". I'm lazy, I don't want high mainentance plants...but to each thier own...Different tank goals, different plants...nothing wrong with either approach, but it will make a difference how we try to help you.


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Sep 27, 2021
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My main 29 gal has:
Amazon sword x3

Assorted Anubis x4

Staurogyne Repens x1

Alternanthera Bettzickiana P1 x2

My 9 gal flex (modded)
2 - Cryptocoryne lutea

2 - Assorted Java Fern

2 - Assorted Anubis’s

2 - Amazon Sword
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Amazon swords get huge, most swords get big. I stopped using them except for one dwarf variety. Here is a pic of an Amazon sword in my 75 many years ago.

When I set up my CO2 added tank I had a sword in about 6 inches tall. A couple of months later it reaches the surface. I also use SeaChem Excel in all my planted tanks from the 5.5 to the 150. I am lazy and only add it after a water change and not in between them.

IMO, there are two basic approaches to having a planted tank. The first is for the asthetics. The plants are the most important consideration and the fish chosen must be plant friendly. The second is for the benefits they provide for the fish. In most cases plants are kept for some combination of the two. But the primary direction is from only one. I have both planted and unplanted tanks. But I am basically a fish first person. Most of my planted tanks are jungles as opposed to aquascaped to look lovely.
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